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瓦哈拉的塗鴉簿  In Loving Memory of Joseph  (Feb 23, 11)

Joseph Kao, my nephew who was born on December 29th 2002, passed away on February 16th 2011.

I wish I could remember him as a great person with oustanding career and achievement, but I cannot. He was just an eight-year-old boy after all. He was supposed to be worry-free, laughing, running, surrounded by people who love him. He was, and I would like to believe that he will continue to be that way.

You see, I still have trouble in using past tense to describe Joseph. It has only been a week and everything still felt surrealistic. Meningococcemia, a disease that I can't even spell or pronounce well, was believed to be what took his life. It happened suddenly but ended soon, before we even realized what it is. As we researched a little more about the disease, we understood that there was nothing anybody could do to alter the course.

Joseph was the center of gravity for the life of his family. He got full attention and devotion, never short of love and, well, toys. His collection could pale a toy museum. I always worry that a young kid like him with seemingly unlimited resource at his disposal would be spoiled and become self-centered. I am wrong, totally. In fact, I rarely meet anyone who is as thoughtful and kind to others as Joseph was. He gave others back the love and caring he received, and then some. Like an angel.

Joseph might seem shy and timid in public, somewhat self-restrained but always well-behaved. The other side of Joseph was only known to people close to him. I remember Joseph as an energetic boy, somewhat crazy, silly, funny, eager to share what he knew and what he had, sweet and tender. He had a beautiful mind, and appreciated all beautiful things. If he were at his own viewing and funeral he would try to ask people not to be sad. He would show off the new, favorite toys his beloved mom got for him, and tell us that the flowers are so beautiful.

Yes, flowers. A butterfly flew by, made a short stay before it went. We do not understand what it means but truly appreciate every single moment. Time slipped through our fingers but nobody can take the loving memory from us.

Good bye, Joseph, with all the best wishes.

Link to Joseph's Memorial Website: Joseph's Memorial Website

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suzy  (Feb 25, 11)

Deadlockcp  (Feb 24, 11)
RIP and condolences to the family.

orangebach  (Feb 24, 11)

and take care.

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