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瓦哈拉的塗鴉簿  長城小影評  (Apr 11, 17)


I will admit, this might be one of the worst movies I have ever watched, and no, not because of the countless plot holes. Not because of the gaudy costume designs that would look better in a Halloween party than it would in the movie. Not even because of the fact that the director clearly ripped everything about Roman culture and weapons and copied and pasted it onto the movie just to make the Chinese culture look better, while nothing that they did was even remotely part of their actual culture, except maybe the drums and the arrows, which nearly every civilization has (They even invented a bunch of crap about Chinese history that didn't exist, just to make themselves look superior to Western culture, like a variety of jobs for women, like drummer, official translator, and---bungee jumper warrior? Wow, who would have thought!). But no, despite all of those flaws, the one which pissed me off the most was the storyline, which it clearly did not have. The whole thing might as well be a documentary featuring the fight between horribly animated CGI “monsters” and Chinese soldiers because that’s literally all they had! Of course the Chinese won at the end! What would the producers do if something meant to show off the superiority and strength of Chinese culture didn't have the Chinese characters “win” in some way? The whole thing is predictable and boring from beginning to end, unless you're an elementary schooler watching, in which you’d be distracted by the colorful costumes and CGI to even be concerned with the plot. Oh, and have I mentioned the background music? It sounds continuous and repetitive because it’s literally the same song being played over and over again! God, I hate this movie!

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