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瓦哈拉的塗鴉簿 希望Facebook增加的功能 (Nov 28, 11) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Foe (or Enemy):我覺得FB的Friend實在是很矯情的東西。只因為FB的建議而發出邀請,又或因為多多益善或不忍拒絕而接受請求,然後不時Like一下你朋友有意無意發表的或有意義或無意義的圖文影音。比較起這樣的朋友,我覺得敵人的幫助更大。朋友還需要對方接受邀請,宣告敵人只需要片面決定,並且自動和此人的朋友成為敵人,清爽痛快得多。 Business Rules: * Automatically unfriend all your foe's friends * All your friends automatically unfriend your foe * Can not see your foe's posting and vice versa * Can pay FB fees to see, post or sabotage on your foe's wall 2. Hate Button:理由同上,在FB裏頭Like實在浮濫,不像Hate能表現出真正的感情。 Business Rules: * Behaves the same as Like button * Indicates all the Like / Hate and statistics for a posting 3. Links to Credit Card & Bank Accounts:既然每個Facebooker都希望別人知道自己最新的動態也希望知道別人所有動態,與其被動等待每個人自己去寫,不如自動公布出每個人最近幹了些什麼事,而最簡單也最重要的就是每個人花了多少錢在什麼地方。我相信這也是FB最想知道而還不敢去做的事。 Business Rules: * User can add credit card or bank account information to profile * User can set any purchase/expense category to be private or public * Purchase/expense category that is public will be posted as recent activities 4. Support Button:光是Like或Recommend實在是太cheap,如果真是那麼喜歡這篇文章,就實際贊助作者吧!有了信用卡或銀行資料後,按下Support就會自動捐款十元美金給作者或網站幕後機構。 Business Rules: * Behaves the same as Like or Recommend Button * Donate $10 from the credit card or bank account 5. "I'm Alive" button:針對像我這種只看不寫也不互動的人,我的FB Friend可能根本不知道我是死是活,有了這個Button後我不時按它一下,可以讓大家知道我還在呼吸手還能動。 Business Rules: * When clicked, a recent activity is added as "XXX is still alive as of YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS" 我想沒有人會在乎像我這種anti social-networking者的想法與期望。據說FB快要IPO而且市值超過Google,有機會的話我倒是很想去放空。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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