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總計 來訪人次
瓦哈拉的塗鴉簿  Skye Boat Song  (Apr 15, 11)

第一次聽到Skye Boat Song是在民國74年左右,我們那個系很奇怪地要求大一要有超過四十小時的必修課,所以我們每星期有一兩小時的英聽課要在隔壁的視聽館上。一直到現在我還認為英聽是浪費時間的課,也許除了聽到這首歌而多年後竟還記得。


Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing,

Onward! the sailors cry;

Carry the lad that's born to be King

Over the sea to Skye.

Loud the winds howl, loud the waves roar,

Thunderclaps rend the air;

Baffled, our foes stand by the shore,

Follow they will not dare.

Though the waves leap, soft shall ye sleep,

Ocean's a royal bed.

Rocked in the deep, Flora will keep

Watch by your weary head.

Many's the lad fought on that day,

Well the Claymore could wield,

When the night came, silently lay

Dead in Culloden's field.

Burned are their homes, exile and death

Scatter the loyal men;

Yet ere the sword cool in the sheath

Charlie will come again.

大一心情一直不平衡,覺得必修的共同課目太多,有懷才不遇的感覺。在這種心情下,聽這首歌特別有所感。遺忘多年後,大約在1995年買了King's Singers的Annie Laurie那張CD,才又再聽到Skye Boat Song。當年的不平早已付之一笑,但這幾年來再聽這些熟悉的歌,才覺得人生的逆境,其實本質上並沒太大的不同,不外乎貪嗔癡。

Speed bonnie boat like a bird on the wing.

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