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食譜雜記的塗鴉簿  薄荷醋羊排  (Nov 25, 24)

這食譜是用羊排 (lamb chop)而非羊小排 (rack of lamb),其實任何能稍微攤平煎成肉排兒部會太老的部位都能用。醬汁是冷醬,沒有經過鍋子煮過,相當清爽可口,很適合夏天。

Serves 4

8 lamb chops (about 3/4 inches thick)

2 tbsp white wine vinegar

1/2 tsp honey

1 garlic clove, very finely chopped

4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1/2 cup fresh mint leaves, finely chopped

1 ripe plum tomato, peeled, seeded and finely diced

salt & black pepper

Put vinegar, honey, garlic, salt and pepper in a small bowl and whisk thoroughly to combine.

Slowly whisk in the oil , then stir in mint and tomatoes and set aside for up to 1 hour.

Use cast iron griddle to cook lamb, medium for about 6 minutes, turning once. Serve the chops with vinaigrette.

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