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食譜雜記的塗鴉簿  爐烤羊小排  (Nov 25, 24)

這個食譜是用整個羊小排 (rack of lamb)進烤箱烤,而不是用鍋煎。只要能買到整塊羊小排,用同一個烤箱實驗一兩次就可以找到烤出適當熟度的時間。

1 rack of lamb, Frenched & trimmed off fat

1 garlic clove

1 or 1.5 piece if white bread, torn into small pieces

1/2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves and/or chopped mint leaves

1/2 tbsp Dijon mustard

1 tbsp olive oil

Pre-heat oven to 425°F

Use food processor to finely chop & blend garlic, bread, herb, mustard and black pepper until combined. Add olive oil

Press the mixture onto the meaty side of lamb rack completely covering the surface

Put the rack in a shallow roasting pan and roast about 16 minutes for medium rare. Transfer the meat to a cutting board, cut between bones to serve

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