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阿笠的塗鴉簿  D'Artagnan’s Duck Magret Breast and Duck Leg Confit  (Nov 15, 13)
D'Artagnan’s Duck Magret Breast and Duck Leg Confit

Magret duck is very easy to prepare and you can cook it as you would any other red meats; though it usually works best seared. The outer skin should be scored (or sliced) multiple times across the entire skin side before cooking, to assist in rendering and crisping the skin. Cook in a pan, skin side down over medium heat for about 8-10 minutes until fat renders out and skin is crispy. Flip and cook meat side down for 4-6 minutes until cooked to your liking.Cooking to a medium temperature and still pinkish inside is usually preferred. Slice and serve!

Rich in flavor, extremely tender in texture, D'Artagnan's Duck Leg Confit is fully cooked and only needs to be reheated! Duck leg confit makes a great and delicious centerpiece to a quick, easy meal. It also can be used to make a great addition to salads, quesadilla, pasta, soups and stews. Fully cooked, just reheat and crisp the skin in the oven, pan or the grill and it's ready to serve.

D'Artagnan 的 Duck Leg Confit 在包裝時已經去掉封住鴨腿的油脂,他們自己的說明是說已經是熟的,只要隨便加熱就可以吃。但比較好吃的做法是用低溫走油處理在先,然後放烤箱 broil 讓皮變得金黃帶脆。低溫走油需要大量的鴨油,D'Artagnan 也賣鴨油,價格相當高貴。原則上是最好能用鴨油蓋過鴨腿,油的量不夠的話也可以定時翻面。鴨腿上能先去掉的脂肪先去掉,然後放油鍋裡用最小火慢慢熬,大約花一小時左右,稍微瀝乾撈出,皮朝上放烤盤裡,烤箱事先預熱到華氏兩百七十五到三百度左右,Broil 大約十到二十分鐘,不要過久,看皮的顏色金黃就可以拿出來瀝油上桌。

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