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龜龜的塗鴉簿  Travel to Japan and Taiwan  (Aug 29, 15)

Japan (Kyoto) was the first place that we visited on our trip. Because of being extremely annoying due to the weather and the abnormal amount of temples, after about 3 days, I finally snapped and decided to not go outside at all for the fourth day. During that time, I enjoyed going back and forth between the kitchen in the hotel downstairs and my room to eat meals and entertain myself with Japanese versions of American books that I could barely understand. The cook understood English and spoke it fluently, so she was a great guide for me as I also needed lots of help with the greetings. She was even nice enough to give me a booklet to use to remember them. After the fourth day past, I managed to keep my wits together and head outside. Like every other day, it was boring and hot, but I didn't complain, and got through the day.

Next, we had to switch hotels. During this time, I don't really remember that much about the hotel we switched to, except that I was disgruntled about leaving the old hotel, but immediately satisfied with it after seeing that the quality was better than the old one. The next thing that happened was that we met another family. Like us, they were travelers, but they came from Taiwan. We went to a temple together on the first day we were with each other.

The temple wasn't as dull; we got go hiking and afterwards got to go to a cafe (not a maid cafe, for your information, let's get real), and it was the best! All of the waiters knew English, and the menu had English labels. The sandwich I shared was great, the iced milk tea was awesome, and the only mistake I made was ordering the French toast.The next days flew by quickly, and before I knew it, it was almost time to go.

For dinner, my parents wanted to go to a famous restaurant, but lo and behold, it was closed. So we chose a new restaurant. At first, I was skeptical. Even though the waiters were nice and one of them knew English, it was still pretty inconvenient, because we wanted an to eat outdoors,, and there wasn't much space, as we had to move twice. I didn't even like the appetizers. But I got full anyway. The next day wasn't very memorable, and we hurried off to Taiwan (after eating a great okonomiyaki from the airport).

Thanks to going to Japan before going to Taiwan, my nostalgic trip wasn't as great. The days were ordinary, and when I went to a use­d-to­-be favorite, it wasn't as good because I compared the food to Japan's and also because the place was crowded. During the visit, we switched places tons of times and stayed in certain relatives households for a while. During the second to last day, we reunited with the traveling family to eat the best 臭豆腐 we ever tasted. Personally, the tofu was great, but I absolutely loved the冬瓜茶and the 刨冰 that came afterwards. Finally, it was time to go. Overall, it wasn't the best trips I ever made, but it was a memorable moment for me.

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