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龜龜的塗鴉簿  Julia's Tale  (Aug 23, 15)

Hello everybody! My name is Julia. Today I woke up feeling terrific! What about you? Today I woke up with the sound of my parents making my breakfast. The smell wafted through the air, reaching to my nostrils. The air was of burnt waffles. What the heck were my parents thinking? Anyways, today I woke up feeling terrific! I jumped out of my bed, not bothering to change my clothes since I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere. Why, you ask?

Because: 1, I am a shut in, and 2, because it's summer! I love summer! You get to go to the beach and play with sand and build sand castles with your friends (like they would want to, what am I, a kindergartner?)! But nonetheless, I love summer! But back to my story. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and went downstairs to find that my parents had already left for work.

They had left the waffle iron on. Again, what were they thinking!? I cleaned up the burnt mess, also burning my hand in the process, which promptly drained my enthusiasm for the day. While I was dousing my hand with cold water to ease the pain, I heard a weird humming sound. I followed the noise which led me to a raccoon, digging through the trash which hadn't been taken out in years. It was humming to itself, loudly, as its paw dug deeper into the abyss that was our trash can. I immediately reacted, my arm finding the nearest branch to scare away the annoying pest. I struck the ground, paralyzingly it temporarily. The raccoon scampered away, fleeing to the neighbor's yard. I snort, and headed back inside, dropping the stick to the ground. A few hours after doing the daily chores, like washing the dishes, I headed back to my room for an afternoon rest. After heading in, I noticed two things: 1, the interior of my room was significantly cleaner, and 2, there wasn't any of my stuff anywhere to be seen.

Now that I thought about it, was this even my house at all? What happened when was working?! I had no time to absorb it all, for someone (something?) walked into the room. As soon as I came into its point of view, it rushed toward me, grabbed my shoulder, and clamped a cloth that smelled suspiciously of sleeping powder on my mouth. My vision blackened, and I fainted. The next thing I knew, I was in a different kind of room, a bedroom. While the other room was completely white, this room had gilded walls, with a chandelier that would be terrifying if it were to crash on my head right then and there. Thankfully, it didn't. Instead, an unpleasant voice filled my head.

Third person's view:

"That's right, Greg, that's the little punk that almost scorched my hide with a branch," the raccoon shrieked, his voice rasping as he pointed at Julia, trembling in rage while he spoke."I don't know, Rick, she seems pretty harmless to me," the badger grumbled, clearly skeptical about kidnapping a innocent looking girl for no apparent reason. Shockingly awakened by the voices, Julia was reeling at the apparent changes in the room. Incredibly shaken up, she suddenly recognized the talking raccoon and suddenly realized it was trying to frame her. She only knew that she was not going to be held guilty for something she didn't do.

"That's right!," Julia shot back at Rick, "Why would you do such a thing?! Any normal person in their right mind would drive away a raccoon digging in their trash!"

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