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Val  (Jul 22, 14)

PeterMax  (Jul 21, 14)
似乎都是讚美之詞,兩週前剛去過,一個熱字了得,人多又熱,只有Glacer Point值得去,雖然要多開車1小時.

Val  (Jul 30, 13)

以住宿來說,這兩個公園都非常大,你一定要在公園內住宿,不要多想其他的可能性。如果以三天兩夜做計畫,你可以在南邊的 Wawona Hotel 和 Yosemite Valley 各住一晚,時間分配大概在南邊的Wawona和Mariposa Grove花半天到一天,剩下兩天在Valley。我沒有在十月去過,但十月初的天氣會比月底好。


湯湯丸  (Jul 29, 13)

湯湯丸  (Jul 29, 13)

Val  (Jul 25, 13)

自助遊最方便的方法是先訂好旅館,然後自己開車去玩。旅館最好是在六個月之前訂好,否則多半是訂不到想要的。不開車其實也有巴士能到Yosemite Valley,參考這頁:



Yosemite Valley 是老少咸宜的地方,也有很多輕鬆的步道,小朋友只要不是太過依賴城市生活機能(電視,麥當勞,冷氣等等),應該會在這裡玩得很開心的。

湯湯丸  (Jul 25, 13)
您好,請問我在10年前曾趁朋友在美國學校畢業一同開車去過黃石公園待4日,覺得好美好震撼,如今成家有孩子(明年5歲),明年10月到LA探親 想帶他去優勝美地稍微深度旅遊(3日左右),查遍中文網站看到當地旅行團都是舊金山.古堡.巧克力工廠賭城迪士尼等3日遊,真正優勝美地玩不到一天,我不想要太多都市人文行程,但又帶了小小孩,不知有何行程住宿推薦?或是旅行團推薦?英文能力有限,機緣發現這個網站,煩請您提供寶貴意見,謝謝您!(並請問優勝美地適合小小孩旅遊漸行嗎?)

Val  (May 2, 13)
在其他更有創意的回答之前,我建議你把主要目標放在 Yosemite Valley 。另一個你要想好計畫再回答的問題是:什麼季節去?一天的開始和結束時間是什麼,又分別是在什麼地方?這會影響你在 Yosemite 能停留的時間,以及去的地方的先後順序。我猜你大概只會有最多六小時的時間在公園裡,最順路的方法也許是花一到二小時在Mariposa Grove(如果你還沒有在 Sequoia 或 Redwood 看過巨木),剩下時間花在Valley以及周圍像Tunnel View和Bridalveil Fall那一帶,其他的不用想太多,因為時間不夠。

Jessica  (May 2, 13)
Hello,我想請問一下,如果我真的沒時間,只能去Yosemite 一天的話(會從Fresno 出發,可能會走41),請問你推荐哪裡是很值得在這一天看的呢?

Val  (Sep 10, 12)
有時候事情就是塞翁失馬,也許因為瀑布沒水可看,你們沒花太多時間在valley,可能時間使用更有效率,收穫也更大。我們就沒花什麼時間在Tuolumne Meadow和Tioga Road沿線,你走的trail我們也沒去過,所以下次去又有新的目標,不必到Valley去人擠人。

itchiang不久前才去了那一帶,Clouds Rest 的景色著實漂亮,那也是我想去的trail。住東岸就是玩國家公園不方便,今年只去了一趟GSM,那邊的trail就差遠了。

andy  (Sep 4, 12)

thanks, we took your advice. Since most water falls had dried up, we spent the entire day 2 on Tuolumne Meadow (Tioga Road) and Mono Lake, we stopped by Olmstead Point, first part of Glen Aulin trial and Tenaya Lake. All are highly recommended. At dusk, we took the guided tour at Mono Lake South Tufa area. We stayed there in hope of photo opportunity of purple sunset sky but too bad it never happen. The caretaker of the motel told us they had purple sky the day before, argh.

For Yosemite Valley, Glacier Point, Mariposa Grove, we went to most Bus Tour stops, except at our own relaxing pace. Without water falls, we actually enjoy Tuolumne Meadow / Mono Lake much more than the Valley.

PS: I can read Chinese, just not good at typing Chinese.

itchiang  (Aug 29, 12)
Curry Village的帳棚屋還有另一個風險,那是個rockfall zone.雖然在2008年的落石後關閉了一些住宿,但如果落石大一點的話就很講了.

我上周去Yosemite的Tuolumne Meadows Campground住了一晚,black bear跑進營區,一堆人開始敲鑼打鼓吼叫,於是這隻bear往我的帳篷走過來(最近的時候離我十公尺),我那時想說當晚我是不是該睡在車上.之後這熊離開了我的帳篷附近, 換另一群人敲鑼打鼓吼叫......後來ranger也來了,還聽到槍聲(不過不是真的槍).聽說這隻black bear前晚就造訪了這營區,ranger那晚也開了槍,但清晨3:30am又跑回來,真的是營區也瘋狂.

總之,national park也是危險的地方.

Val  (Aug 29, 12)

andy  (Aug 29, 12)
Hantavirus links to Curry Village camps in Yosemite

Val  (Aug 15, 12)
I'll write in English in case your computer can't display Chinese.

Overall I think your time is too short. You will spend most of your time in driving. If you can't change the lodging location, here are my general suggestions:

1. Try to figure out the driving distance and estimate for a reasonable driving time. In my experience Google maps always provides overly optimistic time estimation. It will take a damn long time to drive within the park, and you won't make it faster than 40 mph. Try to figure out the actual distance and use 35 to 40 mph to estimate driving time in the park.

2. Try not to visit the same place in multiple days unless you really love it; They all take a damn long time to get in and out

3. Carefully estimate the total time you have, exclude the driving time, and allocate the available time to the points you plan to visit accordingly.

Specific suggestions:

Day 1: Skip the Valley. I think you might have time for Mariposa Grove including a short hiking to get close to big trees. Skip Wawona unless you want to have a lunch there. You also have time to stop by at view points along the road in & out of Glacier Point. Tunnel View and Bridalveil Fall are on the main road outside the Valley, and you might have time to stop by.

Day 2: Spend a couple hours in the Valley, and depart for Mono Lake in the early afternoon. You might have time to stop by points along Tioga Road.

Day 3: Spend most of your available time in the Valley. Stop by Tunnel View & Bridalveil if you want.

Hope that helps.

andy  (Aug 14, 12)
Here is my draft plan for Yosemite trip next week, what do you think? As you see, I will visit Valley area in three different days. Do you have any suggestion the order of POIs in Valley I should visit? Thanks

Note, according to NPS, sounds like most of the falls in Yosemite has dried out.

Day 1
8am: depart San Jose
1pm: Arrive Wawona / Mariposa Grove for Sequoia (Grizzly Giant tree trail)
Glacier Point / Valley (6-7 hours including travel time from Wawona-Valley)
Accomdation at Gloveland (estimate 1h from Valley).

Day 2
Glacier Point / Valley (6-7 hours)
3pm: Tigoa Road / Tuolumne Meadows
6-7pm: arrive Mono Lake.
Accomdation at Mono Lake area.

Day 3
morning: Mono Lake depart around 10:30am
2pm: Glacier Point / Valley / Tunnelview (2 hours)
<4pm GO Back to San Jose - arrive by 9pm

amy  (May 24, 12)

TK  (May 15, 12)

Val  (May 14, 12)
We didn't spend much time in Hayden Valley area, probably just stopped by at the mud volcano and a couple other places along the road. Time is never enough for this place.

And about Yosemite, 3 days aren't much and probably not enough. I suggest that you spend all 3 days in the Valley, including Glacier Point. A trip to Mono Lake by Tioga Road will need almost one full day if you start and end the trip at the Valley. It's not the best use of your limited time unless you plan to leave Yosemite for some other places by the Tioga Pass.

andy  (May 12, 12)
Any good suggestion for 3 days 2 night stay in Yosemite (coming from West entrance)? Tioga Road / Tuolumne looks like a typical sub-alpine meadow but I have seen similar scene in Yellowstone and Grand Teton. Tuolumne should be a great hiking place but I have knee problem and can't walk. I wonder if I should skip Tuolumne and go for a quick stop at Mono Lake instead.

Did you go to Hayden Valley of Yellowstone, didn't see that in your review. Very nice place for wild life and pure buffalo. here is one fav pic I took a few years ago:

Rossi  (Apr 29, 12)
我也在Ansel Adams紀念館買了那本攝影書!

Shan  (Oct 13, 08)
沒錯,120的沿路景觀絕對不輸Glacier Point,有幾個漂亮的湖景與雪景,很直得在120露營一天,似乎會比較有機會遇到熊,另外還可以驅車去看水庫,那裡幾乎沒有人。

Val  (Aug 23, 08)
我對Yosemite Valley真是又愛又恨。這趟最滿意的是看到了水量充沛的瀑布,接下來我很有興趣的是秋天去看紅葉。住東岸的人很難特地安排冬天去Yosemite看雪,所以這大概是住加州的人才有的特權了!

遊人  (Aug 23, 08)
Glacier Point 是優勝美地的重要景點, 夕陽打在岩石上色彩的變化,吸引了很多的攝影愛好者.因為不在valley,很多人會跳過

夏天的瀑布,秋天的倒影及彩葉,冬天的雪及冰.春天的溶雪與小瀑布 真的都很美

去優勝美地可以順道去mono lake不過要注意 120不是全年開放的

Valhalla  (Jul 27, 08)
環繞Yosemite Valley的公車是國家公園辦的,是免費的。夏天時國家公園還有另一條免費公車,從Yosemite Valley開到El Capitan附近,也是免費,那是方便一些從事遠程hiking的人,對一般遊客沒多大用處。我在Tioga Road上有看到過巴士,我想那是國家公園內的特許服務,必然不會是免費的。Wawona也許也有bus到Yosemite Valley,但就算有也不會是免費的。

Debby  (Jul 26, 08)
是不是只有Yosemite Valley這裡才有巴士,其他的往TIOGA和WAWONA都沒有巴士?



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