旅人行腳留言討論區 - 華盛頓特區櫻花季 (Washington DC Cherry Blossom)
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留言討論區 - 華盛頓特區櫻花季 (Washington DC Cherry Blossom)
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Val  (Mar 20, 12)

Lily  (Mar 19, 12)

the Peak Bloom prediction has been updated to March 20 – March 23

Lily  (Mar 29, 11)
2011 Bloom Watch
Average Peak Bloom Date: April 4
2011 Peak Bloom Date: March 29

2011 Blooming Period Forecast: March 26 – April 7*
3/29/2011 NOTE: Regarding concerns about low temperatures in Washington, DC — the flowering cherries will be fine. The only effect will be to slow down the progression of the blossoms and extend the blooming period. The rain, wind (and snow) forecast for this week will not affect the blossoms. It is too early in the blooming process to have an impact.

Val  (Mar 27, 11)
可能有點馬後砲。我這個週末經過Kenwood社區門口幾次,他們的櫻花大部分都含苞未開,我想下個週末才會盛開。不過其他品種的櫻花有些已經開了一陣子,規模雖然沒那麼大,但也相當漂亮。這陣子開車經過Little Falls Parkway, Military Road, East West Highway和一些根本就不以櫻花出名的路,都能欣賞到很漂亮的花海,非常幸福。

Lily  (Mar 25, 11)
2011 Bloom Watch
Average Peak Bloom Date: April 4
2011 Peak Bloom Date Forecast: March 29 – April 1
2011 Blooming Period Forecast: March 26 – April 7*

The Peak Bloom Date is defined as the day on which 70 percent of the blossoms of the Yoshino cherry trees that surround the Tidal Basin are open. This date varies from year to year, depending on weather conditions. The Blooming Period is defined as that period when 20 percent of the blossoms are open until the petals fall and leaves appear. The blooming period starts several days before the peak bloom date and can last as long as 14 days, however, frost or high temperatures combined with wind or rain can shorten this period.

More info:

Val  (Mar 24, 11)
The forecast is usually accurate. Early-blooming varieties were already in their peak but 吉野櫻 are probably still in the early stage of blooming. 3/26 might be a bit too early but it should be beautiful.

Anderson  (Mar 22, 11)
請問一下 今年的櫻花已經開始 出現了嗎?
3/26 號 有機會看到花海嗎?

Toddler  (Mar 21, 11)

Green Color in Buds: 3/7/2011
Florets Visible: 3/9/2011
Extension of Florets: 3/16/2011
Peduncle Elongation:3/19/2011

Average Peak Bloom Date: April 4

2011 Peak Bloom: March 29 - April 3

2011 Blooming Period: March 26 - April 7.

Lily  (Mar 21, 11)
I don't think Chinatown is a safe place. However, like all of the cities, there might be big variation on safty, even it is only one street apart. I don't think we can be certain.

Val  (Mar 20, 11)
Chinatown附近有點亂但應該不算不安全的地方,但是東西向的幾條街(G, H, I, K..)因為不是商業區,到晚上人很好,感覺不是很好。我覺得晚上從tidal basin走回去應該還不至於不安全,但是儘量挑人多車多的路走,或是搭地鐵回Chinatown。

Claire  (Mar 19, 11)
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel
我看地圖靠近China town
可是我正有打算去櫻花的Lantern Walks (@Tidal Basin)

Val  (Mar 18, 11)


Claire  (Mar 17, 11)
今天想去看櫻花預計4/2-3 從紐約出發
差價大約$35 不知道那邊方不方便 安不安全

Lily  (Mar 4, 11)
Here is the "Official Website of the National Cherry Blossom Festival"

This year the festival is from March 26 - April 10, 2011

The peak blossom is predicted between March 29-April 3 for now.

Lily  (Mar 15, 10)
Here is the "Official Website of the National Cherry Blossom Festival"

This year the festival is from March 27 - April 11, 2010

Val  (Mar 8, 10)

ms yellow  (Mar 8, 10)
if 23/3 go there, will the flower open?

Val  (Apr 9, 09)
上周末應該算是peak,加上天氣好,Tidal Basin的櫻花非常漂亮。我們家附近的Kenwood社區現在櫻花還開得很盛,只要這幾天不颳風下雨,這周末應該還有看頭。全盛我想是已經過了,但應該也不致於只看到樹海。

人很多,這星期The Mall擠滿人,周末來要有心理準備。

stacey chen  (Apr 9, 09)
想請問櫻花期的末端4月10/11號 可以看到全盛花期的機率有多大呢??跟朋友預計這禮拜周末去朝聖但是礙於怕到那裏看到的只有一片綠的樹海= =""


(Apr 7, 09)
其實停車的地方很多, 早點出門 多繞兩圈就有

在east Potomac park 今年多了一個 additional parking, 加上 原本的 abc, 一共 4個. Washington harbor 的對岸 路邊也可以停車, 我住的近 (crystal city), 所以都可以一大早就去看櫻花

Val  (Mar 10, 09)
1) 注意國家公園網站上關於櫻花季的日期,通常開始後的第二個周末花開得最盛。
2) 因為大家都挑同樣的那一兩個周末去,所以會很擠,小心和家人別走散,或約好連絡方法。
3) 不管是開車或是搭地鐵,都要有心理準備要走很多路。
4) Tidal Basin附近根本沒有餐廳,頂多只找得到賣飲料零食的小攤子。


林建得 Peter Lin  (Mar 9, 09)

林建得 Peter Lin

Ariel  (Feb 2, 09)
hi 旅人們,我是台灣一家小雜誌社的小小編輯,目前正在撰寫一篇小小報導,關於華盛頓的櫻花季。不知道我是否可以在文章中,引用旅人們所拍的照片?All the photos will definitely be credited. 如果照片需要付費,我們可以討論。可否email詳談?請寄至 ariel_lin@hmg.com.tw,謝謝!

Ryan  (Sep 20, 08)

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