旅人行腳 | 留言討論區 - 大煙山 (Great Smoky Mountains National Park) |
留言討論區 - 大煙山 (Great Smoky Mountains National Park) | |||
大煙山 (Great Smoky Mountains National Park) 首頁 | 加入討論留言 | |||
(Oct 19, 14) | |||
仙那度 有多高呢请问 | |||
Val (Jan 30, 12) | |||
GSM主要是看森林景觀,春假時樹葉大概還沒長出來,可能不太好看,而且天氣還太冷,不很適合戶外活動。 大部分的人會住在Gatlinburg,從這裏出發開車走Newfound Gap Road穿越公園,加上路中間的Clingmans Dome (我不確定三月有沒有通,你需要去查nps.gov)和沿路一些短的trail和遊客中心的展覽,大概是一天的活動。從Gatlinburg到Cades Cove然後參觀那裏的先民遺跡,大概也是一天的活動。如果Cataloochee三月有開放,開到那裡看Elk大概也是一天的活動。Gatlinburg本身也有些景點(Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail)和商店,這樣加起來大概是三天的行程。時間再多點可以沿Blue Ridge Parkway開到Asheville, NC那附近,參觀Biltmore Estate和那附近的景點,這樣加起來大概是五到七天的行程。但是三月真的不是最理想的季節,我覺得六到十月會好得多。 | |||
darrenhuang22 (Jan 30, 12) | |||
版大好,我和同学们可能春假去GSM游玩。我们在奥兰多上学,一行四人一路向北,可能总共去三天或者四天吧。对GSM还不是很熟悉,版大有什么推荐的路线和游玩的景点吗?网上东西好多,看的有点纷乱了。就知道住个小木屋和看晨雾,哈哈。先谢谢版大啦 | |||
Toddler (Oct 18, 11) | |||
應該沒有疑問的,有遊玩國家公園的人會相信:GSM之所以會第一名,只是因為它位於人多的東岸,以及容易到達而已。也應該會相信:多 數位於西岸的國家公園把它搬到東岸,都有可能成為第一名。 | |||
Belle (Oct 18, 11) | |||
看了版大的資訊,又自己查了一下網路,我非常的意外Great Smoky Mountains National Park 竟然是美國遊客最多的國家公園。而且還比第二名多了一倍以上!! 以前還沒來美國的時候只聽過大峽谷、優勝美地和黃石。資料也顯示最近幾年這幾個公園也差不多是分佔二三四名(Olympic National Park偶爾會竄上第四)。 不知道是不是我自己孤陋寡聞,還是到最近才知道GSM的。 這個網站很詳細,有分別記下遊客人數前十名和倒數十名的國家公園。 http://www.thedailygreen.com/environmental-news/latest/national-parks-124040809 | |||
Val (Oct 8, 11) | |||
以看風景來說,冬天並不適合來GSM,光禿禿的森林並不漂亮,而且太冷。如果不以看風景為主要目的,從Pigeon Forge到Gatlinburg的這一路上有不少plaza有很漂亮的耶誕裝飾,相當有過節氣氛,東邊Asheville的Biltmore Estate也有特別的耶誕裝飾。 | |||
Eyck Liu (Oct 7, 11) | |||
大家好 我目前在Columbus, OH 由於12月中家人要來 所以有在考慮帶他們來GSM 我看了一些之前的文章 但好像沒有什麼在那段時間的分享 所以想請問一下大家 如果在12越中適合去那邊走走嗎 謝謝大家 | |||
Doris Chan (Aug 15, 11) | |||
Thanks, Val, your suggestion sounds great, I will arrange my itinerary as per your idea. Will give my comments on this forum after my return, thanks. | |||
Val (Aug 12, 11) | |||
是Lexington KY?可以考慮去Mammoth Cave NP,不會繞太多路。你如果還沒去過任何一個以地下洞出名的公園,這會是個很不同的經驗。除掉開車,你只需要一個整天,也許加上過夜。你可以到國家公園官網先了解他們有哪些cave tour以及所需時間與體力,依照你的時間挑一兩個,如果訂好行程的話先買好票。Cave tour以外的時間可以在地面hiking,這裡雖不以地上景觀聞名,但也算挺漂亮。 我第一次去Mammoth Cave就是和GSM排在一起的同一趟旅行,在那裡玩了兩天,但當時沒留下任何照片和記錄。我知道有很多人參加過Wild Cave Tour後念念不忘,你們如果體力時間許可的話也許可考慮,但是我幾乎可以確定的是在洞裏沒辦法拍出像樣的照片,而且應該是不能帶腳架下去的。 GSM的hiking trails非常多,我第一次去的那趟走了一段appalachian trail,將近一整天,看到些很漂亮,在公路上看不到的風景,可惜沒留下記錄,後來想不起來是哪一段。如果時間體力許可,你可以問park ranger有什麼推薦的longer day-hike。 如果不去Mammoth Cave的話在NC的西部也可以玩兩三天,沿Blue Ridge Parkway開到Asheville就幾乎要大半天,而且非常漂亮。去Biltmore Estate的話又是一天。 多參加ranger program也是時間充裕的人的特權。你也許不會因此多拍到好照片,但是會得到走馬看花所得不到的知識。 | |||
Doris Chan (Aug 12, 11) | |||
Hi, Val, 我會於9月6日到達Gatlinburg, 會留在Galtinburg 至9月9日, 我會充份利用Val 在這網站內的資訊去遊玩 GSM, 但9月9日後我還沒有任何的行程, 已訂12日早上10:48從Lexington 離開, 能否給我一些建議, 我會租車, 喜愛風景和拍照, 可以徒步, 體力沒有問題, 先謝謝!! | |||
Lily (Jul 30, 11) | |||
Hi Val, 谢谢您的建议!我明白了,我们会遵照您的建议,尽量多花些时间在GSM的。全程南方旅途回来有什么惊喜,我再汇报。 | |||
Val (Jul 30, 11) | |||
Newfoundgap Road算是可以一路開車繞一圈看風景而不太需要下車走路的地方,可以在早上人少先去繞一圈,之後再去Clingmans Dome。從Gatlinburg到Atlanta要四個多小時車程,路程不是很好安排,也許該把大部分時間花在GSM,找個短的trail走走或是路上能停留的點多花點時間。 Ruby Falls是附近另一個挺出名的勝地但我沒進去過,地點在GSM西邊的Chattanooga附近,但是要去Clingmans Dome的話路程就沒辦法安排。 Savannah的街景很漂亮,在旅館找個觀光地圖自己去逛就可以。Charleston我沒去過,Norfolk我去過幾次,也是可以在旅館拿觀光地圖自己逛,有不少值得看的地方,好餐廳不少,但我沒留下記錄現在想不起來,問旅館或是看AAA tour book或是上網找yelp之類應該都能找到不錯的餐廳。Virginia Beach我們吃過一家叫Hot Tuna的餐廳印象不錯,上網應該不難找到地址。到了Virginia Beach如果多一天時間可以往南開到NC的outer banks海邊。 | |||
Lily (Jul 29, 11) | |||
Hi Val, 你好。很感谢你创建的网站,给了我很多对GSM旅游的idea。很可惜这次trip有公干,不能一一付诸实施。我是计划8/1从NJ出发,当晚就到Gatlinbury,8/2晚要赶到Atlanta,所以我只有8/2天可以drive through GSM. 不知是否可以从Gatlinburg上NewFound Gap Road,上岔道Clingmans Dome,再回到Newfound Gap,然后出GSM到Atlanta?你能给我些建议吗?要尽量看到最多风景,又不能绕太远的路。 另外,我离开Atlanta的下几站是Savannah GA - Charleston SC - Norfolk, Virginia Beach。您有什么好的推荐(景点和美食)吗? 非常感谢! | |||
Val (May 5, 11) | |||
I can only type in English at work so please bear with me... 1. Yes, I highly recommend that you take BRP, instead of route 19, to Asheville. Purely judged from sight-seeing point of view, you may find that this section of BRP is more enjoyable than GSM. However, speed limit on BRP is only 35 to 45 mph so you need to spend almost the whole afternoon to get to Asheville. 2. I just checked Biltmore website. If you buy tickets in advance online for Mon - Thu visit, the ticket price is $49. Still expensive, nevertheless, but the experience is unique. 3. Maybe the Myrtle Beach in SC? That's a famous spot for college students' spring break. The most famous beach in NC is probably the Outer Banks area with Wright Brothers monument and Cape Hatteras National Seashore. It's a nice place for vacation, eating & drinking. I've had 3 or 4 dozens of raw oysters for only around $20. 4. Sight of any wild life is by chance, with luck and/or patience. Don't feel bad if you go but don't see any elk - you will see a lot when you visit Yellowstone. | |||
Kris (May 4, 11) | |||
謝謝版主上一篇的回覆。 另外還有幾個問題想請教: 1.關於Blue Ridge Parkway的問題, 因為版主推薦這段路很美, 但離開smoky國家公園,往Asheville的路程中, 只會走Blue Ridge Parkway的一部分, 然後在soco gap就會轉到19號highway。 我想請教是否不要轉到19號,繼續術往南, 把整個Blue Ridge Parkway走完, 然後再經74號走到Asgeville? 如果版主覺得整段Blue Ridge Parkway都美, 我會考慮小繞一點路,把整段走完,然後再到Asheville。 2.我上網查了一下Biltmore Estate, 它看起來滿有法國羅亞爾河畔城堡的氣勢, 不過,它的門票要69塊,感覺實在是太貴了! 快要跟迪士尼的票價相當, 所以想要請教版主對於那個景點的感想和評價? 3.以前有聽過南卡或北卡似乎有個著名的海灘? 我們之後的行程想把海灘排進去, 請問版主是否知道相關的資訊? 4.版主提到Cataloochee的Elk, 請問過去一定看得到嗎?還是要憑運氣? | |||
Val (May 2, 11) | |||
Park Vista Hotel, http://www.parkvista.com/hotels-in-smoky-mountains.php | |||
kris (May 1, 11) | |||
想請教版主在Gatlinburg住宿旅館的名稱? 謝謝回覆。 | |||
Val (Jun 16, 09) | |||
GSM太大而且太分散,好像沒有當地的旅行團,而且在附近活動一定要有車,我想到當地租車應該是可行的方法,但是不太可能有巴士或遊覽車從Asheville開到GSM。 GSM並不適合旅行團式的玩法,比較適合自己開車,露營或是租間山上的小木屋,用悠閒的步調花個幾天到一星期把公園裏和附近的地方一起玩。東岸的幾個國家公園其實大多是休閒型的,除了Acadia之外,其他的都不適合跟團去玩。 | |||
Gary (Jun 15, 09) | |||
請問一下各位大大 小弟計畫要前往大煙山 預計做灰狗巴士到Asheville 請問有沒有交通工具到大煙山呢? 由於無法開車 所以急於詢問交通方式 請各位大大不吝教導了~~~ | |||
阿笠 (Jun 4, 09) | |||
Val said he think it might be ok. 我們曾經在夏天去過一次,山上似乎沒什麼蚊子。 | |||
嘉懿 (Jun 1, 09) | |||
想請問有沒有人有在八月中旬去大煙山的經驗....想趁暑假結束前帶孩子去玩,又有點擔心會碰上"群蚊亂舞"的慘劇 (去夏在阿薩提格的教訓猶新...) - | |||
Val (Jan 2, 09) | |||
我們才剛從New Orleans的旅行回來,回程時在Gatlinburg過了一夜,從I-40下來後經過的Pigeon Forge和Gatlinburg這兩個城市誇張到極點,我從沒在其他地方看過以整個城為規模的耶誕燈飾,我簡直就認為光為了看夜晚的燈火就值得特地挑十二月來這裏。 不過純粹以到GSM看風景來說,冬天應該是最不適合的季節。不但天冷不適合戶外活動,下雪時園內公路會不通,而且樹葉掉光,景象蕭瑟冷清。 我一直沒有機會在秋天去GSM,因為交通及住宿安排太困難,我想大概住在附近的人才有這特權能盡情享受秋天的大煙山。 | |||
Archer (Dec 30, 08) | |||
因為之前我女友住在附近的Jefferson City,所以我就把大煙山當陽明山一樣,沒事就去晃晃,留下許多不少美好的回憶。大煙山四季的風景迥異,各有各的美,各位如果有機會,可以嘗試在不同的季節去旅遊,我個人比較喜歡秋天時大煙山,真是美不勝收。Gatlinburg 這個城市真的是一個不錯逛的觀光街。每當節日前,總是被裝飾應景的擺設,讓過節氣息相當濃厚。 還有一次我無聊開車去閒晃時,還在路邊看到黑熊,當時還以為是一隻大黑狗,這種經驗相信在台灣是很難遇到的。 回台灣後,一直很想回去,甚至想在附近定居。 希望以後能有機會實現願望囉 | |||
Rachel (Dec 19, 08) | |||
Thank you for the suggestion, it sounds great. your website is wonderful! | |||
Val (Dec 18, 08) | |||
極度主觀的建議: Day 1: NJ -> Roanoke, VA (440 miles, 7 hr 20 min) 中間可以離開 I-81 ,走一段 Blue Ridge Parkway 到 Roanoke。可以住Hotel Roanoke (110 Shenandoah Avenue, Roanoke, Tel: 1-540-985-5900),可以在hotel的dining room晚餐,或到 Carlos Brazilian International Cuisine (4167 Electric Rd, Roanoke - 540-776-1117) Day 2: Roanoke, VA -> Gatlinburg, TN (280 miles, 4 hr 20 min) Gatlinburg旅館很多,我不特別推薦哪家。進GSM玩玩,如果太冷不適合在戶外太久的話,可以去開車走Roaring Fork Motor Trail或是到Cades Cove隨便看看。晚餐可以去試試Smoky Mountains Trout House (410 Pkwy., Gatlinburg, 865-436-5416) Day 3: Gatlinburg, TN -> Raleigh, NC (313 mi, 5 hr 17 min) 早上從Newfound Gap Road穿過公園,中午也許可以在Asheville停一下,去 Biltmore Estate 玩(門票要$40左右),或是去 Grove Park Inn Resort (290 Macon Ave. Asheville) 逛逛,在有點貴的餐廳吃中飯,然後往東開到Raleigh。 Raleigh 其實並不特別值得停留,不過有家叫 Angus Barn 的餐廳 (9401 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, 919-781-2444) 很值得去,氣氛很有趣,牛排不錯,葡萄酒的選擇驚人得多。 Day 4: Raleign, NC -> NJ (460 mi, 8 hr) 如果Day 3不去Angus Barn和Raleigh的話,可以考慮在Asheville過夜。Grove Park Inn雖然氣氛很棒,但價錢可能太貴。Biltmore Estate裏面的旅館也是。如果在Asheville晚餐的話,Greenery Restaurant (148 Tunnel Road, Asheville, 828-253-2809) 應該不錯,我說”應該”是因為我有好幾年沒去了,但前兩次的印象非常好。 我們也在計畫Christmas到New Year的旅行,目前暫定計畫是去New Orleans,去程會路過Atlanta,回程時正在打算特地開到Gatlinburg,因為有點想去吃 Smoky Mountains Trout House 的燻鳟魚。 | |||
Rachel (Dec 17, 08) | |||
聖誕節去大煙山,是不是瘋了?hotel 也好貴!四天假不想浪費也!請問大大如何安排行程from NJ to GSM, 如吃住!感恩不盡! | |||
Val (Oct 3, 08) | |||
I always want to do some serious hiking, maybe even back country hiking or in remote places like Isle Royale. We still need a couple more years until our daughter grows up more. You look super, and GSM looks very beautiful. Best wishes, and hope everything is well. | |||
Nancy (Oct 1, 08) | |||
www.flickr.com/photos/27624823@N05/page2/ 在此網址內有我們家人在八月三日至八日從Pisgain Mountain to Smoky mountains的行程. 像我這個年齡已過五十四歲及癌症患著,居然也爬上大煙山了, 我老公說我是一個super woman. 你認為哩? | |||
ytht (Aug 18, 08) | |||
多谢您的建议!以后有机会会多与这个站里的朋友交流。 再次感谢! | |||
Val (Aug 17, 08) | |||
不用客氣!大家交流資訊,我們也常常得到大家的幫忙。 你們如果還沒駕照的話,大概只能參加旅行團去玩。雖然大煙山也是旅行團會去的地方,但是這個地方跟團大概不會很好玩。我覺得Great Smoky Mountains是需要多呆幾天,而且應該要花時間去hiking的地方,光坐車能看的很有限。 勞動節氣候很不錯,應該是到任何地方都很適合。不過以沒駕照需要跟旅行團去玩來說,我覺得大峽谷和Yosemite,甚至Yellowstone都是還算可以這樣玩的地方,不過四天大概太短。其實Mount Rushmore(總統石像)附近也是旅行團常去的地方,那裏能玩能看的東西也不少。 沒駕照畢竟還是太不方便,如果可能最好趕快得到駕照,活動範圍會大得多。有好些冷門的國家公園根本就沒旅行團出團,或者遊覽車根本就不能進去。 | |||
ytht (Aug 16, 08) | |||
搂主您好,您的网站内容对我们了解美国国家公园有非常大的帮助,多谢! 我妻子与我刚到美国,在芝加哥,预计待一年时间。劳动节期间有四天假期,预备到大烟山玩。我们都还没有拿到驾照,请问如何安排行程较好?另外,您能推荐在这个季节适合去游玩的其他国家公园? 非常冒昧,多谢! | |||
Val (Aug 12, 08) | |||
我覺得玩這種原始的玩法非常新鮮刺激,不過我承認這是都市人本位的想法。度假或旅行本來就該過著和平常不太一樣的生活,然後回到現實覺得自己還是適合目前的環境。 我們周末跑到Shenandoah露營,參加camp fire talk,聽park ranger講山地居民在公園成立前的生活。公園裏有幾棟當年的老房子沒拆,被修復後現在開放讓hiker住宿過夜。幾乎都是在非常偏遠,要走好幾英哩山路的地方,而且也不提供任何設施。我想這也是享受孤離感的好地方。 Appalachian Trail (AT) 從Georgia一直到Maine,全長兩千多英哩。我記得最高點好像就是在GSM裏的Clingmans Dome。到GSM或是Shenandoah去hiking常常就是走著走著就接上一段AT。我買過一本AT的照片集,介紹沿路經過的地方。也真有人去走AT,而且從頭到尾走完。 | |||
Mrs. Mappes (Aug 9, 08) | |||
當你去過,及渡過那半原始生活後, 你會發覺在家的感覺真好. MT. LECONTE 是一個高6593尺高的飯店只能容下50個旅客,每餐早上在七點四十五分時有人敲門通知起床,因為八點開飯, 中午十二點及晚飯是六點吃飯,每當要開飯時都會搖鈴通知. 飯後的育樂節目是, 去到山頂上看日落. 當你下山後, 天空也差不多黑了, 有些人們點著油燈聊天或著玩紙牌, 有些人九點就寢. 沒有洗澡之處, 沒有電源, 而且是四人在一間上下舖房間渡過.那個餐廳的食物及換洗床單等等均是由Llama背上山來的. 我們上山是由Alum Cave Trail 登入,走過5.3miles後及經過很直立的山,我們終於到達飯店休息.下山是由另一處下山, 看看不同的風景,雖然不會像去時那樣的驚險, 但路途遙遠了許多,總共走了8.3miles. 用掉兩晚的原始夜生活後, 才發覺到回到現在真好. 下一次會分享相片與大家, 因為才回來尚未登入在網上相片上. 有誰知道Appalachain trial 是從何處至何處嗎? 我們經過3 miles當回程時. | |||
Valhalla (Jul 12, 07) | |||
去看了你們的遊記,真是充實愉快!我們也才剛在7/4假期去了GSM一趟,也在GSM看到小黑熊,也在Virginia某處的Cracker & Barrel吃了頓滿意又便宜到不行的晚餐(Catfish超正點)。不過現在感染Poison Ivy中,心情和身體都不佳,不知那百年才會有力氣整理照片和遊記。 順便補充一點關於GSM的Cabin。我們這回是訂了一間在Pigeon Forge, TN附近山裏的木屋住了兩夜,總共不到四百塊,住得相當愉快。我們用的網站是 http://www.legacysuites.com/ ,住的是叫Catching Dreans的一間One Bedroom Cabin,實際和照片一樣。如果是有兩家人一起出去玩的話住Cabin很可能比住旅館還便宜,還可以自炊自吃泡Jacuzzi不亦樂乎。 | |||
喜樂媽咪 (Jul 8, 07) | |||
我已經回來了 還花了點時間寫了一下像裹腳布一樣長的遊記 在我女兒的親子網站裡 有空不嫌棄可以去看一下 http://www.babyhome.com.tw/calendar/0,o1de,mid142528,cid112661417.htm 遊記記載於5/25-6/9的日記中 | |||
Nancy (Jun 26, 07) | |||
Hello, there, 想請問一下有沒有人去過outer bank呢? 能不能告知大約的行程? 我人在北卡約6小時的車程。 謝謝嘍!! | |||
ANDREW (Jun 11, 07) | |||
最近到田納西州出差2個月,恰好碰到美國國慶的長假(大約5天),請問有人能幫我介紹可到大煙山旅遊的行程 | |||
Jiu (Apr 6, 07) | |||
介绍以下住宿,http://www.riverbendinnpigeonforge.com/,新建的很干净哦,便宜的让你笑,出脚方便.不知印度人老板有没有赚钱.适合家庭.但不保证将来干不干净,有可能带咖哩气味哦,我有过这经验. | |||
克萊爾 (Apr 4, 07) | |||
Hi, there, 想請問有沒有人去大煙山的時候住過小木屋(cabin)?有好的話能否介紹?最好能在Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge,在網路上只看大門的圖片真不敢就這樣訂下去,感謝! | |||
Lily (Mar 27, 07) | |||
It could be buggy during summer!! | |||
Vic Liu (Mar 27, 07) | |||
謝謝板大以及Jiu迅速的回應...實在感動!! 由於天候關係(紐約這邊大風雪), 本來預定的行程也就被擱下了. 整個星期都只在附近逛逛mall,看看電影之類的... 幸好有跟三五好友在家聚聚,才不至於太過無趣 ^_^" 我打算將計畫延至暑假! 順便可以重新好好考慮一下整個行程... 目前暫時繼續投入書本中 Q_Q 等到繼續計畫時,還請板大及板友們不吝賜教!! 雖然這次沒有成行,還是感謝各位的建議..謝謝了!! 也抱歉這麼晚才回訊息 >"< 祝福大家 事事順心 | |||
瓦哈拉 (Mar 18, 07) | |||
纜車在國家公園外的Gatlinburg市區,這是我看到的一個網頁 http://www.obergatlinburg.com/tram.htm 事實上纜車上看到的並不真的是GSM國家公園,我自己是沒坐過這纜車。 三月底去那裡可能還太冷,也許樹也還是枯的,風景應該是遠不及四五月的初春或九月的秋天。GSM裏頭有不少地方可去,很容易安排三到五天的行程。公園外北卡Ashville的Biltmore Estate是個很值得去玩一整天的地方,雖然門票非常貴。回程可以走一段Blue RIdge Parkway,比如從GSM開到Ashville或是從Highway開到Roanoke, VA接上Blue RIdge Parkway往北走到接近Shenandoah NP附近。 你們如果能等到四五月再去的話感覺會很不一樣,野花盛開的GSM和Shenandoah NP很值得專程走一趟。 預祝你們旅途平安,盡興而歸! | |||
Jiu (Mar 18, 07) | |||
Pigeon Forge看上去很好玩,在大烟山的旁边,跟团去过二次,玩了Dollywood,看了Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede Dinner and Show ,其它的没玩,3月底自己开车再去一次,以下网址可能对你有用。http://www.mypigeonforge.com/activities.asp | |||
Vic Liu (Mar 16, 07) | |||
不好意思!貼文求教! 我剛到美國半年,來這邊留學,希望能利用課餘時間四處逛逛, 所以,我和內子想要在下星期自己開車從Long Island, NY至大煙山一遊. 目前打算參加的活動有騎馬以及撘纜車! 當然,欣賞野外景色是一定會的!! 依照貴網站上的連結,我已經順利的找到了大煙山國家公園的官網,以及騎馬活動的地點,費用等等. 但是,我並沒有在官網上看到有關纜車的訊息! 是我弄錯了嗎? 假如方便的話,可以告訴我大概在哪裡嗎?? 目前粗略規劃的行程: 第一天,從NY 到Shenandoah Caverns, VA 第二天,至大煙山國家公園,騎一小時的馬,以及撘纜車 至於其他的地方,我們還在找資料中, 不知道大家能不能給我們點意見? 例如這個季節哪裡景色比較好? 或是哪裡值得順道一遊? 不好意思,冒昧貼文請教! 還請大家指導我們一下...謝謝!! 祝福站長以及網友們 身體健康 平靜自在 | |||
喜樂媽咪 (Mar 13, 07) | |||
是的 我朋友他們也說Birmingham那裡啥都沒有 我們可能就是去摘摘水蜜桃啦 休息一下補補下段行程所需的糧食而已 另外 我們決定從Roanoke到Asheville路上 到Boone與Blowing Rock那邊玩一玩 那邊有個Grandfather Mountain(有個高空吊橋) 還有Moses Cone Park, Linn Cove Viaduct, Mast Farm General Store... 好像還滿好玩的 Charleston也打算再多待一天 詳情如何 等我們回來報告囉! | |||
客旅 (Mar 5, 07) | |||
哈羅﹐已經從Birmingham回來了。特來跟各位報告,Birmingham適合養老或探訪老友﹐不適合旅遊﹐不是一個讓人驚艷的地方。 | |||
阿笠 (Feb 28, 07) | |||
Sorry, 我們從沒去過那裡,沒法給你任何幫助。如果有人知道的話,可以幫忙回答一下嗎﹖ | |||
客旅 (Feb 22, 07) | |||
聽說喜樂媽咪要去Birmingham, AL看朋友。我下禮拜就要去那裡辦事﹐請問那附近有什麼地方可以去看看的嗎﹖聽說那裡除了高爾夫球場﹐沒東西可看了﹐真的這麼慘嗎﹖我們會搭飛機從NJ 到Atlanta, GA,再租車開過去﹐大概只有兩個下午有空逛逛﹐所以Huntsville 的太空中心也不用想了﹐據說單程就要兩個小時。請問版主有好的建議嗎﹖ | |||
Valhalla (Feb 20, 07) | |||
我們對露營毫無經驗。五月中下旬GSM的平均低溫大約在五十多度,以露營來說可能還有點冷。去住Gatlinburg的旅館大概也還不錯吧! Charleston到Wilmington我們沒去過,不過聽說過Myrtle Beach是個出名的海灘,有機會的話回來後讓我們知道一下這附近怎麼樣。另外北卡的Outer Bank也是個出名的好玩地方,我們也是想去但還沒去過。 我們常常覺得看到別人的旅行計畫之後,自己也不由自主地興奮起來,簡直和自己去一趟的感覺差不多... | |||
喜樂媽咪 (Feb 16, 07) | |||
謝謝您這麼快就回覆了! 我想第二天如果不全程走BRP 那麼早點到Asheville的話我們可能安排去Chimney Rock 另外回程的路上我們大概會從Charleston沿著海邊走Rt-17到NC的Wilmington過夜 然後從那裡接freeway上Alexandria Norfolk, Assateaque這些地方可能要再另一個trip了 因為我覺得這趟已經很豐富啦! 謝謝你的input 想到要去看野花 心都要飛起來了! 對了 五月中下旬GSM的天氣適合露營嗎? | |||
Valhalla (Feb 16, 07) | |||
你們的行程看來挺不錯的,我加一點補充意見: Day 1:全程走I-81的話大概下午就會到Roanoke。如果你們有興趣多看看的話可以走一小段Blue RIdge Parkway到Roanoke。你可以看看地圖,然後找個Roanoke北邊三十哩左右的入口接上BRP。Peaks of Ottor在Roanoke北邊,那一帶的BRP很漂亮。 Day 2:全程走BRP無聊是不會,太長是真的,而且BRP有可能會有些路段不通(修路,或其他原因),如果打算走很長一段的話一定要先上國家公園網站或去電查明開放狀況。我不建議走全程,但是可以走一段,比如在快要到Asheville前下小路接上BRP(要看地圖決定)BRP上其實沒什麼必停的點,因為其實全線都很美,很適合開車兜風。你們第四天會沿BRP去GSM,那段路也非常漂亮。 Day 3:我們的經驗,買門票開進裏頭大概就要半小時到一小時,在房子裏頭會呆至少兩三小時,逛逛花園要另外一兩小時,然後開去酒莊參觀試喝加上那附近逛逛又要兩兩時,吃飯一兩小時,一天大概是跑不掉的。 附近的Chimney Rock State Park也是個值得去的地方(看底下我以前留的話),你如果喜歡The Last of the Mohicans那部電影的話更應該去。 Day 4:Smoky Mountain Trout House, 410 Pkwy., Gatlinburg, TN, USA, Phone:865-436-5416。我原先找到的網址好像不行了,這裏有另一個介紹的: http://www.fodors.com/miniguides/mgresults.cfm?destination=great_smoky@614&cur_section=din&property_id=11041 五月中是Shenandoah的野花季,我猜Smoky Mountains應該在那時候也很多野花。你們的行程看起來已經很豐富了,如果還要加的話可以考慮上Shenandoah看野花去。回程的海線如果時間多,可以去Norfolk, Virginia Beach走Chesapeak Bay Bridge(很長很長有隧道的那個)往北,中間可以考慮去Virginia的Assateague / Chincoteague玩玩住一晚再北上的Alexandria。Norfolk和Chincoteague都是我很喜歡的地方,不過這樣一來恐怕要追加兩天的行程。 | |||
喜樂媽咪 (Feb 16, 07) | |||
因為要找些去GSM的資訊而發現了您這個豐富的網站 真的要非常謝謝您花了寶貴的時間與精力來經營這個地方 造福大眾! 我們住在NJ(兩大人一小孩-小的才兩歲半不到) 五月底打算花約兩個星期的時間(very flexible) 南下經GSM至Birmingham, AL找朋友 然後經海線回NJ 以下是我們目前暫定的行程 可不可以麻煩您看一下給點意見? Day 1 : NJ -Roanoke, VA (take I-81 to Roanoke) Day 2: Roanoke-Asheville, by taking BRP Staying at Asheville 請問這一路全程開Blue Ridge Pkwy會不會很無聊或太長? 有什麼必停的點嗎? Day 3(may 28): Morning- Biltmore Estate, Staying at Asheville 請問Biltmore Estate值得待整天嗎?附近還有哪裡值得去呢? Day 4: Enter GSM from Oconaluftee via BRP drive to Gatlinburg via Newfound Gap Rd. Staying at Gatlinburg 請問你們去的那家trout restaurant是哪家? Day 5: Great Smoky Mountain Cades Cove, Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail Staying at Gatlinburg Day 6: Driving out of GSM to Chattanooga Stop by Lost Sea (Sweetwater) Staying at Chattanooga Day 7: Chattanooga to Birmingham AM: Lookout Mountain, Rock City PM: Driving to Birmingham, AL Staying at Birmingham Day 8-9: Birmingham, AL 訪友 Day 10: Drive to Atlanta, GA Coke, CNN Staying at Atlanta Day 11: Atlanta-Charleston SC Stop by Congaree Swamp N. M. (要謝謝您的介紹才知道有這麼個好地方!) Staying at Charleston Day 12: Touring Charleston Leaving Charleston in the evening, and stay somewhere along I-95 Day 13: drive to Alexandria VA(探親) Day 14: Alexandria一日遊 Day 15:回NJ 大概就是這樣 去時走山線 回來走海線 請問路上還有哪些點我們不宜錯過的啊? 先謝謝你囉! | |||
Valhalla (Dec 5, 06) | |||
William, I'm glad that you enjoyed the trip and survived the long driving! My tolerance in long driving depends on the destination. Am I willing to drive 12 hours a day, 2 or 3 days straight to visit Yellowstone and surrounding? Of course! Am I willing to drive 10+ hours from NJ to Acadia and just spend a weekend there? I'll hesitate a bit then answer "Yes." Am I willing to drive 10+ hours per day and spend a long weekend for GSM+BRP+Shenandoah? Probably not. And it's interesting - we have not been to most of the places you mentioned that failed to impress you. We passed by Natural Bridge, VA so many times but never visited that place. We didn't go to see the Dixie show, didn't take the cable car, haven't been to Ruby Fall yet... I am happy to read the details about your trip. It made me feel that I went to these places, too. Sharing the experience of life is always what I want to do, and the reason why I started this website. To life! | |||
William (Dec 5, 06) | |||
Mr. Valhalla and all friends, I have been back from my four day trip. 1st day: Jersey city - Luray Cavern(next to Shenandoah national park) - Gatlinburg 2nd day: tour of Gatlinburg anf Great smoky mountain 3rd Day: Gatlinburg - Lost Sea - incline train - Ruby Fall - Roanoke 4th Day: Roanoke-Natural bridge-Jersey city- Hoboken Mr. Valhalla, you are so right. I have crazy long driving. 12 hrs first day, 10 hrs 3rd day, and 7 hrs 4th day. The reason i choose this long driving trip afterall is because I enjoy the time drive and see. And also, we decide to visit as many points as we can since we are going to reside soon and may not come back this area for awhile.... First day, We visited Luray Cavern next to Shenandoah national park. even not get into the national park, we still see some view of it. I can tell if we spend more time here, it will be a good place to hike or camping. Even Winter is coming, it still have green color all over the park. Make we new yorker relax suddenly.... Then, Luray cavern may not as big as those in Asia. But I believe it more well protected. That night, we rushed to Gatlinburg, I dont suggest people who used to drive do so, long dring ah! When we arrived, I know it worth. As Mr. Va said, It might be the most Xmas Village in states. It make you feel warm and sweet. That night, we stay at Park Vista Hotel. Agood one! :) Thank you Mr. Va. 2nd day, we spend all our morning at GSM. Actually only roaring fork la.but still, we have seen the natural beauty. the day is sunny, so we sont see any smoke. But, we see the trees and stream enjoy the sunny and warm day before winter. Trees insist their green and Stream insist their flow :) I cant imagine how beautiful it will be if com in summer. After that, we went to take the Cable car to the top of the Hill. Well, whoever go Gatlinburg, dont do that! Its so artificial and the view is not as good as we think. Then, we went to Pigeon Forge for Dixie Horse Show and Dinner founded by Dolly Parton. Well, Good for Kids, and for fun lo. For people who go many shows already, You dont need it. Pigeon Forge is bigger and even more decarated than GatlinBurg. But, its too "money money". So, we back to Gatlinburg, have some shopping and enjoy the "Xmas is Coming Feeling". The most beautiful and touching shop, may be a unit of 50 stores called "The Village" at downtown of it. 3rd, we drive to the Lost Sea(2hrs away), the biggest underground lake in the states. and even take a boat. the feeling is interesting. cause the lake is too quiet, too deep, too dark. The fishes in it are all blind and people dont know what they eat and where they come from till today. and interest experience. then the other three hours drving to Chattogona to visit Ruby Fall and Incline railway. Well, Ruby Fall is a fall undergorund. And the incline train is a train climb mmountain, and you can see seven states above mountain. They are too artificial and acoording to the long dring--- its not worth. we have the othe six hour dring back to Roanoke. 4th day- we went to the Naturl Bridge with Blue ridge Parkway. The BRP is pretty still, even in late autum. But the natural Bridge, well, its special, but i dont know why its the 8th Greatest View of the world. Then, 7 hrs ding back to Jersey. I am lucky to have chances to go many countries and many national parks in States. (may not as many and as detail as Mr. Va :)) If you want to say, Grand Canyon, Park Zion, or Niagra Fall are "Main Dishes". I called this trip as "salad or light food", it may not give me strong shock. But the beauty and incrediable of mother nature still make you enjoy. Its always good to enjoy the nature. But again, My trip is too rush and too long driving. If You have time, I suggest you guys Enjoy one or two national park with more hiking and stay like Mr. Va. :) Thank you to Mr. Va. Without your suggetion and your website, This trip is not possible!! William | |||
Valhalla (Nov 12, 06) | |||
William, It might be way off the context. Have you ever been to Las Vegas or Florida Disney? 4 day/3 night might be just optimized (if not too short) for a trip to either place. You could try looking for package deal. Late November are indeed nice season for both places. Now let's switch back to GSM trip. I had a look at the link. I don't recommend you do self-driving to mimic that plan. You (as the primary driver, I assume) would be too exhausted to enjoy. The majority of the day time will be spent in driving and it will leave you very short time to visit any place. The plan totally skip Shenandoah NP and Blue Ridge Parkway. I don't think that they spend more than 2 hours in GSM, either (if they do go inside GSM at all). Most of the places they visit are over-developed, my opinion. An alternative suggestion if you do love cave is to go to Mammoth Cave, KY. It's long drive too but you can make it with 4 days. You could spend a little time in Shenandoah or BRP then take I-64 west to Kentucky, then spend 1.5 to 2 days there and enjoy at least a long cave tour (something 4 to 6 hours, or even wild cave tour). The experience is quite unique. The best part about Mammoth Cave is that the season doesn't matter, which makes it a good choice for late November (although other seasons do offer some more fun on ground level). Check schedule and buy tickets in advance for your favorite cave tours, if you do plan to go. No matter where you go, check and make sure that you feel comfoprtable about the driving time/distance each day. You should also reserve enough time to enjoy your destinations so don't use up all your time and energy in driving. | |||
William Lin (Nov 12, 06) | |||
Mr Valhalla, Thank you for your fast reply and suggestion. Oh ya, the Triumph Beer is so good, we tried the Beer Sampler. I like them so much that I mind drink five sets of that and to go the other five if i dont need to drive :). I suggest people who go Princeton must go try it!! Also, The Thomas Ice Cream you suggest is good as well!! I like their chocalate ice cream alot!! According to your pictures, I know that it is not the best time to go BRP/GSM trip right now. The only reason I picked this one is because I dont know where else that I can have a four day-three night road trip at East Coast from Jersecy City. We have been to DC, Philly, Baltimore and Boston. Nigara Fall not on time. So I am struggleed. Do you have any other suggestions? Also, I see a four day plan on this website, http://www.paradiseusa.com/listxianlu.asp?id=147&cid=1 I am not sure if thats a good plan, If there is no others to go at this time, do you suggest I consider this plan by self driving? Since this plan have more"UnderGround" viepoint than the "natural one"? Again, Thank you for help. Surely, I will share my trip experience later on no matter where I go. Also, I will post on my trip experience along the D&R Canal and Priceton later on! Best Wishes! William | |||
Valhalla (Nov 11, 06) | |||
William, Thanks, and hope that you also enjoyed the beer in Triumph. In my opinion it's one of the best. Your schedule is very aggresive, mind you. Late November is not the best season for Shenandoah/Blue Ridge Pkwy/Somkey Mtns either. In fact it's probably the worst season to enjoy the natural beauty. We just came back from a short trip to Roanoke so trust me... I assume that it's a 4-day-3-night plan. I would suggest to spend 1 night in Roanoke and 2 nights in Gatlingurg TN or Ashville NC. You would spend 1 day in Shenandoah area and 2 days in GSM area, reserving the 4th day to drive back home from GSM. (it's a long drive) With only one day to spend from NJ to Roanoke (and consider minimum 2 hrs in Luray Cave), it's quite aggresive that leaves you no time for any hiking in Shenandoah. You might consider to totally skip Shenandoah and bypass from I-81 then take Blue Ridge Parkway to Roanoke. BRP might be more beautiful then Shenandoah's Sky Line Drive if you just have time to drive through. Driving through Shenandoah without any hiking will leave you the question "Why the hell this place became a National Park?" You could stay in Hotel Roanoke (see our pictures) and it's our favorite place in BRP Virginia. You could have your dinner in its dining room or a Brazilian restaurant "Carlos" (like 15 mins drive) and neither won't disappoint you, I guarantee. The hotel we stayed in Gatlinburg (as the puctires) was Park Vista Hotel and Convention Center (705 Cherokee Orchard Rd, Gatlinburg, TM 37738). I have to tell you that the pictures I took were probably "too good." It's located on a hill about 1 mile from downtown and you need to drive to visit the shops or restaurants downtown. It has nice mountain view but don't expect much in late November. Other than that hotel you should easily find any hotel/motel in downtown with easier access to downtown attractions. The trout restaurant we mentioned was our favorite. You might want to consider to have a dinner there. I suggest that you forget about the Ruby Falls (if that's what you mentioned) although I have not been there yet. It's too far away located in south of TN. You will have a very long drive back to NJ if you visit there in your 4th day. Share with us your experience after you come back; it will help us and other people! Hope that you have a nice trip! | |||
William (Nov 10, 06) | |||
Hello, Mr. "WA", I am a doctor live in Jersey City now. First of all, I want to thank you for ur journal and advisment! I just visit the canal and Priceton Univ. with ur advise. So Pretty and good food at Triump!! I admire your effort alot! Right now, I am going to have a four day three nights vacation from 11/25 to 11/28. I plan to visit Shenandoah(including the cave), the stone bidge, the blue Parkway, the red diamnod fall, and Great Smoky Mountain in four days (self driving with my girlfriend). Do you mind to give me some suggestion? Also, I saw the hotel you stayed in Gatlinburg. I like it so much. Can you give me the name? or maybe you can suggest me where to stay in the three nights? Again, Thank you so much for your help and effort!! Best wishes to your family!! William | |||
(May 9, 06) | |||
謝謝您的建議,哈瓦那!! | |||
瓦哈拉 (May 7, 06) | |||
建議行程: Night 1, 2 : Gatlinburg, TN. Spend 2 days in Great Smoky Mountains. Refer to the web pages for places to visit. Night 3 : Asheville, NC. Spend 3rd day driving out of GSM. Remaining of the day could visit Baltimore Estate or Chimney Rock State Park, or spend the full 3rd day in GSM. Night 4 : Roanoke, VA. Driving along Blue Ridge Parkway. You might need to exit Blue Ridge Parkway halfway and switch to nearby parallel interstate highway. Night 5 : Luray, VA or Front Royal, VA. Take Blue Ridge Parkway north to enter Shenandoah National Park. Night 6 : If you like Shenandoah, spend another day here and stay in Luray or Front Royal. Otherwise stay in DC area and spend half day visiting the Mall or other places in DC. Night 7 : NYC. Spend 4 to 6 hours in DC (if you like it) then drive north to NYC. Hope that it helps. | |||
George (May 7, 06) | |||
Hello, 不好意思,我想在一個星期後從亞特蘭大跟老婆自行開車出發到紐約,並想在這段路程花費大約7天的時間瀏覽,不知道各位先進有無任何建議,如果可以的話可以告知我詳細的地點和行程嗎?? 雖然網路上有些旅遊資訊,但是我並沒去過,所以想說如果有人有這種經驗可以告訴我給我一個參考!! | |||
Clark Hsu (Jan 18, 06) | |||
我於01/2006 去了大煙山國家公園 http://clark.mis.fit.edu.tw/2006-01-Smoky%20Mountain%20National%20Park-trip/index1.html | |||
(Sep 22, 05) | |||
皮皮小鳳仙 (Jun 4, 05) | |||
是我留的言,^__^ 我只是想說...大煙山之行要改下次了, 因為一直在下雨, 只好臨時改計劃. 我們改去猛碼洞窟了.. 不過你的寶貴建議,ㄧ定會對我們下次的行程大大有助益!! 謝謝你的熱心!!! | |||
瓦哈拉 (May 31, 05) | |||
我check log的時候發現好像有朋友在5/30嘗試在”大煙山”留言,但是留言沒被順利存下。能不能請您送個 email 給我,讓我知道您寫了些什麼,也許能幫我fix掉一個bug。謝謝! | |||
瓦哈拉 (May 31, 05) | |||
那家餐廳叫Smoky Mountain Trout House,這裏還有他們的Menu。Smoked Trout很好吃,我想其他整隻魚的料理應該也很不錯。魚新鮮是最大賣點,賣相或氣氛我就不予置評了... Gatlinburg的旅館可以拿到許多遊樂介紹小冊,裏頭有很多coupons,用力去找吧!可以得到大概10%的折扣。你們要去的Ripley's也有每人省$1的coupon。我們在鎮上停留時間不長,所以沒在鎮上玩耍。 走路恐怕到不了Cades Cove,就算到了,環區道路有11哩長。我倒是建議你們去走車到不了的Trail,有些沿山邊的路有很美的俯瞰,是大部分的人看不到的。 你們的行程集中在西北角,如果有更多時間我建議走Newfound Gap Road路過Clingmans Dome看看,再有時間的話去Cataloochee看看(如果還沒看到Elk的話)。Clingmans Dome在好天氣時有很壯觀的山景。如果你們看過The Last of the Mohicans那部電影,那就是在Smoky Mountains附近拍的。你們如果對那部電影非常有興趣的話,我還可以告訴你最後決鬥和瀑布那一大段是在北卡的Chimney Rock State Park拍的。這個公園距離Smoky Mountains也不遠。 回來後記得再來打聲招呼,告訴我們玩得如何。我很有興趣想知道我們沒去過的地方有些什麼。 | |||
皮皮小鳳仙 (May 28, 05) | |||
原來如此! 我們預計前兩天住在Abrams Creek,第二天走山徑看瀑布,要是能夠的話就走到cades cove,然後再走回去.(不知道要走多久^^).我們睡車上, mini van, 因為怕有熊跟我們打招呼..我有做車窗的蚊帳,應該就不會有蚊子飛進來了吧?! 就怕下雨,會飄雨進來.. 第三天開車到Gatlinburg,找個旅館,然後去Ripely's Aquarium參觀.它開放到晚上九點,好像還蠻多東西可以看的,不知您們去過嗎? 對了,能不能請您告訴我:您們去吃鱒魚的那家店的店名,地址,營業時間? 第四天出發到Roaring fork Motor Nature Trail,努力的照相.. 晚上睡Elkmont露營 第五天就在Elkmont附近走ㄧ走, 第六天回Gatlinbug 逛ㄧ逛,住旅館再好好洗洗澡! 呵呵!! 第七天回密西根州, 以上就是我們的預定的行程, 不知道版主大大有沒有什麼建議和提醒? 請不吝賜教! 謝謝您^O^ | |||
瓦哈拉 (May 27, 05) | |||
嗯,Abrams Creek在國家公園的最西邊,我們沒去過。基本上公園裏及附近的公路速限大概都在35mph左右,實際能開的速度大概是平均30mph左右。公園裏點對點之間幾乎都沒有直線相連,所以每個點幾乎都是獨立的,開車都要一陣子。比如像我們住在Gatlinburg,到Cades Cove雖然距離不遠,但單程也要一個多小時到兩小時,所以去Cades Cove就玩掉一整天。第二天從Newfound Gap Road開到Ashville,沿路邊走邊玩,又是一天。然後從Ashville到Cataloochee,基本上又是幾乎一天。你們如果露營的話其實可以考慮在每個營地住一兩天,然後多跑幾個營地,否則到其他的景點,開車一來一回很不經濟。 所謂驚險刺激呢,看看地圖,有些路段是冬天不開放的,有些路段是沒鋪柏油的,這些路特別被標出都不是沒原因的。我印象裏沒有險升險降的路段,但是路都彎得厲害,而且很窄,往往是快要對衝了才看見對面來車。有些設計成單行道的路還不用擔心會車,我覺得最驚險的是到Cataloochee那段,碎石路,一邊是懸崖,路很窄又是雙向要會車,困難度大概和我十多年前印象裏的中橫梨山段差不多。因為家附近沒山,已經不太習慣這樣的山路。我們去年去的那次因為天氣不好(看照片就知道),很多路段能見度很差,像到Clingmans Dome以及在Blue Ridge Parkway上好幾段路能見度只有不到十公尺,根本看不到路,所以增加了刺激性。好天氣其實是還好的。 開車走山路有很多注意事項。很多美國人不常走山路,不知道要用低速檔,沿途不停踩煞車,弄得周圍都是橡膠摩擦的臭味,實在很替他們擔心煞車會失靈。 | |||
皮皮小鳳仙 (May 27, 05) | |||
版主大大, 我看了你們在大煙山的旅遊紀錄,.."有些路很驚險刺激" 我想請問...所謂的驚險刺激是指哪一方面? 非常多彎路嗎?路面很糟,癲頗? 還是ㄧ會兒上坡一會兒下坡? 我們打算去Abrams Creek,那裡有一個瀑布..可能也會去別區, 以你們去過的遊點來說,每點之間的車程大概是多久,不知你們是否有計算過..? 謝謝. | |||
皮皮小鳳仙 (May 24, 05) | |||
謝謝您!! | |||
瓦哈拉 (May 23, 05) | |||
皮皮小鳳仙: 這個連結有大煙山國家公園內露營地的資訊:Camping in the National Park。我看了一下,他們一共有十個營地,其中只有三個在5/15到10/31接受預約,其他營地的規矩都是先到先得。營地基本上沒有人管理,連使用費都是使用者自己投到一個箱子裏。我們去Cataloochee時剛好經過了那裏的營地,網頁裏第二張照片還是在營地旁的小溪拍的。 我想你可以看看地圖,決定好要去哪個營地。試著去預約那三個可能比較保險,至少打去問問看其他營地有多熱門,會不會沒位置。我們也有路過在Cades Cove的營地,看起來比Cataloochee的大得多,但是遊客大概也比較多。此外Cades Cove營地開車到最近的城市大概只要三十分鐘而且路況很好,而Cataloochee開出來大概至少要一個多小時,而且那種山路我晚上大概是不敢開的。 我們從來沒在國家公園露營過,所以沒有一手資料,但是國家公園那個網頁寫得很詳細,應該夠你參考的。 有空歡迎常來我們的網站看看。雖然不見得常有新的國家公園網頁被加上去,但我們也常跑其他地方,三不五時常會有些新的東西。 | |||
皮皮小鳳仙 (May 23, 05) | |||
版主您好! 很久沒上來了,您的網頁越做越出色了呢! 我想要去大煙山露營, 但是不知道他的露營區在哪兒, 請問您知道相關的資訊嗎? 麻煩您了!!!謝謝.. | |||
muajee (Mar 30, 05) | |||
在大煙幕山,是個很新鮮的經驗。 旁邊的Gatlinburg城,是我們遊歷過最商業化的國家公園鄰區。商業化到令人目瞪口呆。 :P 感覺跟其它的國家公園,完全不一樣! 不過,這地方很適合全家大小老少一起出遊,不同的年齡層、不同的興趣,都會在這找到個人喜歡的活動做。 會考慮在秋季回來此地及仙納度(Shenandoah)觀賞楓葉秋景,不過聽說塞車的情況超級嚴重,所以令人有點裹足不前。 | |||
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