旅人行腳留言討論區 - 寶石洞窟 (Jewel Cave National Monument)
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留言討論區 - 寶石洞窟 (Jewel Cave National Monument)
  寶石洞窟 (Jewel Cave National Monument) 首頁  |  加入討論留言

Kai  (Jul 12, 16)

suzy  (Jan 21, 12)
我們這次到加拿大有參加cave tour,爬進去洞穴,終點是鐘乳石


WALOMI  (Jan 20, 12)
If you go there on winter, there is a problem that there might be no people there. They have to have more than 2 people to start the tour. Also, the tour time doesn't become longer if there is less people. You still have to walk kind of fast...Every place, you have around 5~6 pictures at most because of lacking of time

WALOMI  (Jan 20, 12)
hello =)
"DSLR內建閃光燈" with flashlight(and the light inside the cave) is what I used to take the picture! If you want to know and have a DSLR or mirrorless camera, it's good enough to take the picture already. You don't need to buy an external one!

Val  (Jan 20, 12)


Val  (Jan 20, 12)
Wow! 我很好奇你是如何控制照明,你是用閃光燈嗎?前幾張看起來不像是只用閃光燈的效果。是用其他光源(像LED)還是洞裏就有足夠光線?還是後製?(我想不太可能只靠後製)



WALOMI  (Jan 18, 12)
I like this National Monument so much! This is one of the most protected and special cave in the USA!

http://walomi.blogspot.com/2011/01/jewel-cave-national-monument.html is the link to my blog for reference. (a little bit better picture than traveleredge, but the description is worse)

WALOMI  (Jan 18, 12)
I like this National Monument so much! This is one of the most protected and special cave in the USA!

http://walomi.blogspot.com/2011/01/jewel-cave-national-monument.html is the link to my blog for reference. (a little bit better picture than traveleredge, but the description is worse)

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