旅人行腳留言討論區 - 布萊斯峽谷 (Bryce Canyon National Park)
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留言討論區 - 布萊斯峽谷 (Bryce Canyon National Park)
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aspire335a  (Jul 8, 13)
在那裡我看到了Queen Victoria 、孔夫子、中國古代宮女、酒鬼、…。

Val  (Aug 26, 10)
If you have only up to 4 hours to spend in either of the two, my choice would be Bryce Canyon. It's much easier to move around in the park. You don't have to hike a long way to see things, and the view is just stunning. In Zion you have to hike to enjoy the park. The roadside sightseeing experience won't be as impressive as Bryce Canyon.

However, it takes 9 to 10 hours roundtrip between LV and Bryce Canyon, which is too much. With the constraint for driving time, Zion might be more viable. You can probably have 6 hours in the park and hike some short trail. Spend all your time in Zion Canyon area.

With similar driving time as for Zion, an alternative is to go to Death Valley. Summer is very hot there but you don't need to hike. There are a lot of scenic points nearby the Furnace Creek area which is about 3 hrs one way from LV.

billy huang  (Aug 26, 10)
many thanks, Val. 10 hours driving is bit too much for me. what would you recommend if i have to choose form Zion and Bryce canyon.

Val  (Aug 26, 10)
It's possible but there is always "but"

Driving will take most of the time. From LV to Sprindale, AZ outside the Zion park will need about 3 hrs. Sprindale to Bryce Canyon will need 2 hrs. Bryce Canyon back to LV will need 4:40 to 5 hrs. You will spend almost 10 hours just for driving.

In case you still decide to go for it, I suggest that you don't go inside Zion park - you don't have time. Just drive through highway 9 for sightseeing in the car then take Rt 89 north and Rt 12 east to Bryce Canyon. If you start the day really early you should have 2 to 4 hours at Bryce Canyon. You could stop at all the view points in the park and even have some time for short hiking.

You can't drive in Zion Canyon. You have to park your car at visitor center then take the free shuttle, which can be time consuming and inflexible for your situation. That's why I made the suggestion. You will miss the best the Zion has to offer but the highway 9 itself is already magnificent.

A minimum two-day trip would make it a much better experience.

billy huang  (Aug 26, 10)
i am planning to go LV late Sept. and would like to take one day to the parks. would it be possible to laeve LV early in the morning, visit zion and bryce canyon parks and back to LV in the evening. many thanks for your advices.

Howliw  (Apr 14, 10)
Thank you for your suggestion and comments.
I will study all the website your suggested and I am sure that I will buzz you again few days later.
Really appreciated. Thank you and Best regards.

Val  (Apr 14, 10)
In theory, Lake Mead and Hoover Dam are on the way from LV to GC south rim. However, you will need about 4 hours to visit both. You might want to leave them to the last day of your trip as your plan. However, you might not have enough time to visit Hoover Dam unless you stay one more night at LV. It's a trade-off among Hoover Dam, GC, and Bryce Canyon. Do some research about Hoover Dam then make the decision.

Your plan looks fine. Now you may meed to do more research on each park and decide the things you want to do (such as specific hiking) then fine-tune the trip plan.

GC Lodging info:

Including both south & north rim and outside-the-park options.

Inside Zion Lodging: http://www.zionlodge.com/
Outside Zion in Springdale: http://www.tripadvisor.com/SmartDeals-g143057-Zion_National_Park_Utah-Hotel-Deals.html

We stayed in Cliffrose Lodge which was very nice.

Inside Bryce Canyon: http://www.nps.gov/brca/planyourvisit/lodging.htm
Outside Bryce Canyon: http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g143015-d1460646-Reviews-Best_Western_Bryce_Canyon_Grand-Bryce_Canyon_National_Park_Utah.html

Howliw  (Apr 13, 10)
Thank you for your information. It really helps me a lot. According to your suggestion, I did some arrangement for my trip. Can you take a look and give me some feedback? Thank you in advance.

5/23 8:00am leaving LV and arrive GC South Rim around 2:00pm.
We are planning to stay over night at GC South Rim,
Question: do you have the website for the hotel in the park, so I can book early?

5/24 1:00pm leaving South Rim to North Rim, arrive around 5:00pm
We want to stay over night at Grand Canyon Lodge, but when I tried to book through internet, it is already fully booked.
Question: Can you suggest any other place we can stay? Do you have website?

5/25 1:00pm leaving North Rim to Zion NP (arrive around 4:00pm)
We will try to find hotel along the Springdale,
Question: If you can recommend any hotel, please let me know.

5/26 1:00pm leaving Zion NP to Bryce Canyon (arrive around 4:00pm)
Question: Where is the best place to stay over night, any recommendation?

5/27 1:00pm leaving Bryce Canyon to Las Vegas
On the way back to LV, we want to visit Lake Mead and Hoover Dam.
Question: from Bryce Canyon pass by Lake Mead and Hoover Dam to LV, how many hours it will takes? If we leave 1:00pm, do we have enough time? Or we need to leave early?

I indicated leaving time because I don’t know we will have enough time to look around at each place or not. Is there any place I need to leave earlier then 1:00pm?

Your comments will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

Val  (Apr 5, 10)
You have about 8 days for the trip. I'm not sure if you want to spend some time in LV or totally bypass it.

If you spend 2 to 3 days in LV you would have about 5 days for the parks. Your primary targets should be GC, Zion NP and Bryce Canyon NP. See the posting below for driving time estimation or use google maps.

1. GC South Rim: you will need at least half day for the Hermit Road. I strongly suggest that you stay in the park for lodging and get a place with canyon view if possible. Next day take the desert view drive to the east and leave the park.

Minimum time required for south rim: 1 to 1.5 days

2. GC North Rim: it offers different view from the classic south rim. It takes about 5 hours to drive from south rim to north rim. If you decide to go, your best lodging option is inside the park.

Minimum time required for north rim: 0.5 to 1 day

3. Zion NP: it take about 3 hours drive from GC north rim, 5.5 hours from GC south rim. You could stay in in-park lodge or find a motel in Springdale, UT which is very convenient.

Minimum time required: 0.5 to 1 day if not doing heavy hiking

4. Bryce Canyon:minimum time required: 0.5 to 1 day

There are secondary targets, such as Lake Mead and Hoover Dam nearby LV, that you could visit. The Skywalk is not in the boundary of national park. I've not been there so I couldn't comment on it.

In case you give up LV you might extend your trip to as far as Moab, UT to visit Arches NP and pass by Canyonlands NP & Capitol Reef NP. If you go, allocate 1 to 1.5 days for Arches and up to 4 hours just driving through Capitol Reef and Canyonlands.

Howliw  (Apr 4, 10)
It is good to see those messages.
Our family will have a trip to LV, so we are also planning to go to GC for few days.
5/20 TPE-LV
5/23- 5/28. GC
5/29 LV-TPE
We are planning to rent a car and go there. Since we have a senior 68 yrs old and kids 13 yrs old. I want have more relex trip.
What will be the best route? LV-Skywalk-South rim-north rim -LV? Is this a good arrangment? is there any other places we should visit? How long should I stay in each place? How about accomodation?
Thank you in advance.

Joyce  (Mar 25, 10)
非常感謝 itchiang 與 Val. 我們預計 5/14 晚上從台灣飛抵 SFO, 行程大約如下:

5/14 ~ 5/16: SFO
5/17: SFO --> Las Vegas
5/18~5/21: Zion, Bryce, Grand Canyon (5/21 離開 LV至SFO)
5/23: 凌晨班機回台

我們是第一次到美西自助, 以前也沒去過大峽谷, 因 LV 至 South Rim 車程較久, 而且不想花太多時間在開車, 所以在考慮是否要放棄 GC, 就專心在 LV, Zion, Bryce 這三個地方玩,


itchiang  (Mar 24, 10)
哈,我忘記問的人可能從沒去過大峽谷,真要如此,South Rim確實較適合,不過若要跟Bryce Canyon與Zion綁一起,得多開車是真的。North Rim比較適合去過South Rim後的人才去,South Rum的觀光效率比North Rim高很多,而North Rim比較適合休閒性質的旅遊。

Val  (Mar 24, 10)

Day 1: LV to Grand Canyon South Rim: 5 to 6 hours drive
Day 2: GC South Rim to Zion: 5 to 6 hours drive
Day 3: Zion to Bryce Canyon: 2 to 3 hours drive
Day 4: Bryce Canyon to Cedar Breaks to LV: 5 to 6 hrs

車程估計是根據Google Maps。我的印象裏全程路況不錯而且車不多(除了LV附近),五月中應該也不用擔心天氣。和itchiang的建議主要差別是South Rim或North Rim,一般遊客是去south rim,而南邊的旅遊設施與路況也好得多,照的照片也比較”像”大峽谷。North Rim有不太一樣的感覺,高下難分,但是如果只能挑一邊去的話,South Rim可能比較受歡迎(所以遊客也比較多)。

每天平均要開近六小時的車,以我的標準算是中等程度的負擔,但是你要自己衡量狀況。不知道你們從哪裡飛過來,需不需要考慮時差的影響。如果沒把握也可以放棄Grand Canyon,用比較輕鬆的步調去Zion和Bryce Canyon。

itchiang  (Mar 23, 10)
從Vegas到這三個地方的路況很好,Bryce Canyon與Zion到Grand Canyon都大約只有二小時車程,傳統上這三個地方也是一起去的。

Grand Canyon的North Rim一般五月中才開放,你去的時候應該剛開不久,可能得查一下公園網頁確定一下。此外,在公園內較不易訂到房間,只有Grand Canyon Lodge這一間而已,公園外的Kaibab Lodge雖然是次佳選擇,但離North Rim有一段距離,不算很方便。North Rim連campground要reserve都不容易,而且五月的North Rim可能很冷,不過外面的National Forest有先到先贏的營區就是。

Zion與Bryce Canyon應該不至於訂不到房間,因為Memorial Day是五月卅一日。

我會建議LV->Zion->North Rim->Bryce Canyon->LV,時間多的話,從Bryce Canyon回到LV的中途可以經過Cedar Breaks National Monument與Zion的Kolob Canyons,也許可以進去到此一遊。你的計畫回程會再經過Zion本部一次,當然如果你很喜歡再看一次Zion本部的話也不妨。這樣做最長的開車時間是Bryce Canyon到LV這一段,約四小時,但回程時因為換時區所以賺一小時回來;LV到Zion約二個半小時,但因換時區所以會多虧一小時。

不管什麼計畫,確定North Rim是否有地方住可能是整個計畫的關鍵。還有,如果Grand Canyon Lodge真被訂光了,還是可以打電話去檢查,有可能剛好有人退房所以有空房。

Joyce  (Mar 23, 10)
我們預計 5/17到 Las Vegas, 並計劃 5 天內造訪 Zion, Bryce, Grand Canyon 這三個美麗的地方, 人數共兩位.

在美國, 沒有車就像沒有腳一樣, 我們是第一次在美國開車, 而且只有一位會開車? 這樣不知會不會太累了?

另外, 請問從 Las Vegas 到這三個地方的路況好嗎? 是否好開? 有無需特別注意的路段?

還有這三個點應該要怎麼安排比較順? 如果從 Bryce 到 Grand Canyon 太遠, 那應該會放棄 Grand Canyon, 以免旅程太過勞累. 謝謝!

5/17: Arrive Las Vegas
5/18: Las Vegas --> Zion
5/19: Zion --> Bryce
5/20: Bryce --> Grand Canyon
5/21: Grand Canyon --> Las Vegas

KC  (May 1, 09)
Thank you all for good information!! I was back from the 5 days trip (Bryce + Zion + Death Valley). It was an unbelievable trip. It was snowing in Bryce, but the road condition was nice. It was around 20-30 degree. Like itchiang mentioned, need to wear a lot during sunrise and sunset. We hiked from the Bryce Lodge to Navajo then to the Queens then come back to the Lodge. It took about 3 hours. The view is sooooo good. We also drove to Bryce Point, Paris View and Inspiration Point. I think if your time is limited Bryce Point is the one that you should not miss.

We don't have too much time on Zion because when we arrived. It was already 5PM and we need to leave at noon next day. But we still went to Emerald Pool, Weeping Rock, River side and Canyon overlook. We even stopped by in the theator to watch some film. All of them are excellent. Spring is good time to go to Zion. Not too many tourists. But too bad Narrow was closed. Next time I definitely will go there during summer because i think Narrow is probably the most attractive hiking trail in Zion.

itchiang and Val......thanks a lot!!!

itchiang  (Apr 9, 09)
UT-14 passing Cedar Breaks are more winding. An alternative is to use UT-20 to connect I-15 and Rt. 89, which is the way I took in late February this year. This is also the way park suggests when there is snow storm.

It looks like much longer than UT-14, but in fact the time is almost the same in Google map.

Val  (Apr 9, 09)
The nearby Route 89 seems to be a major highway that the government always keeps it cleaned after snow. However, the real problem is how you get to Bryce Canyon. Last time we drove from Cedar City to Long Valley Junction connecting to Rt 89. The road, which passes Cedar Breaks NM, was really scary in winter even in sunny day.

It also depends on how big the snow storm is and how long it lasts.

itchiang  (Apr 9, 09)
One way is to give up Bryce Canyon and stay in Zion. Most trails in Zion are ice free now and so you can do hiking or horseback riding there.

The weather in Bryce Canyon is usually unstable this time due to the high elevation. The forecast may change dramatically by different agents and different days. So you may gamble it. The road in/near Bryce Canyon is not that winding and I think it should not be dangerous if you drive slowly. If you can be at the moment the storm breaking or just forming, that will be the best timing. But it requires good luck.

KC  (Apr 8, 09)
Just checked the forecast. It's gonna snow on the date I'm going to Bryce. Do you think that I should change my schedule? Will it be dangerouse to go there during snowing?

Val  (Mar 28, 09)
我覺得冬天去的話,把時間都留給Bryce Canyon其實最好。帶雪的hoodoo有相當不同的美,但是積雪的Zion反而少了我們夏天去時感受到的靈氣。

Ching  (Mar 19, 09)
我 Mar.10, 09 也去了一趟 Bryce Canyon , 當然也是看了版主的介紹才迷上的,一片雪白的世界,迷人的緊,可惜時間很緊,沒能去步道走走!為了把時間都花在 Bryce Canyon 也沒能去 Zion National Park, 下次肯定再去一次,就在裡面過上一夜!

Fu-An Chang  (Mar 15, 09)
You have to take a horseback ride in the park. I did it twice and I will do it again next time. Go to the visitor center and purchase the ride. The view for The Window of The World is unbelievable thru the ride. It's worth it.

itchiang  (Mar 11, 09)
我忘記我該回這篇,我上週剛好去Bryce Canyon、Zion與大峽谷,順便share一下這個季節時候的狀況。

Bryce Canon最主要的兩條步道Navajo Loop Trail與Queens Garden Trail二月中時已經全線暢通,大部分的地方雪都融了,但是有些地方很muddy。危險性我覺得還好,只是那幾個地方走起來比較annoying就是。我去年四月初時也走過這兩條步道,那時步道上的雪已經融得差不多且很好走。以你排的時間,除了到此一遊由上而下看那些hoodoo外,我想有空花一個半至二小時走其中一條步道。我強烈建議下去走Navajo Loop Trail或是Queens Garden Trail的其中之一,尤其是Navajo Loop Trail,你會恨不得你可以邊走且頭可以360度旋轉。這trail厲害的地方就是往任何方向看都很好看,不只是我這樣認為,我跟其他遊客交換心得時,他們也是這樣的看法。這兩條步道都不長,約1.5哩,且坡度不算大,是我走過的步道裡投資報酬率相當高的。晴天的時候下去走,會非常enjoy。

因為你要在Bryce Canyon過一夜,如果有的話,記得晚上去Visitor Center參加evening program,我覺得那個ranger (Kevin Poe, http://www.nps.gov/brca/planyourvisit/astronomyprograms.htm)講得很棒,ppt也做得很炫,我非常enjoy他講那一小時的時間,講完後還有人向他要那個ppt檔案。如果剛好有,強烈建議去參加。在大講堂講完後,就架好望遠鏡出去看土星,但因為雲的關係所以沒看到。我這次去才注意到,原來Bryce Canyon不只是看hoodoo,這公園還有保護夜晚天空防止光害的責任,而從事這些相關活動的ranger被稱為(也可能是自稱)是"Dark Rangers",蠻有趣的。

以你安排的時間,Zion可以用到此一遊的方式解決。即使不hiking,其實還是很有看頭。那時後的Zion Canyon必須坐園內的shuttle,一整個下午可以將該看的地方都看過。那時晚上也會有evening program,可能會是在campground(這是我去年camping才學到的經驗,主要的campground每天晚上都會安排evening program,但沒人規定住帳棚的人才能去campground參加evening program)。我上週去時一個ranger program都沒有,因為還是淡季,他們說人手不足,因此沒有這種活動可以參加;在你隔天離開Zion到Bryce的中途,應該會走Zion-Mt Carmel這條路從公園的東邊出去,經過隧道後會馬上看到Canyon Overlook步道的停車場,記得要去走這步道,適合中午前到,會順光,也是個投資報酬率很高的步道。沒什麼爬坡,很好走,最多廿分就到終點,來回不用一小時,不帶水也不會覺得口渴。

當你從Bryce Canyon回到Las Vegas的途中,如果是走UT-14經Cedar City再走I-5到Las Vegas的話,會路過Zion的分校:Kolob Canyons,時間夠的話,可以花個約半至一小時的時間進去裡面的Scenic Drive到此一遊。因為Utah比Nevada時間快一小時,所以賺到的這一小時應該夠你進去Kolob Canyons到此一遊。如果太趕沒空進去也無妨(比如你當天早上在Bryce Canyon忽然想拼走完那兩條trail),畢竟Zion的精華是在Zion Canyon。

你從Vegas去這兩個地方,還是以開車為主,會省事很多。四月確實是到這兩個地方的好時間,那時旅館確實也很好訂,ranger program也開始頻繁起來,兩個地方一起玩也很有效率。即使時間不多,該看的都有充足時間看到,唯一要祈禱的是不要遇到壞天氣。不過Bryce Canyon會稍冷,因為較高的關係,海拔在8,000至9,000呎,尤其是如果你想日出時去看那些hoodoo或是晚上觀星的話,那時的溫度還是會在冰點以下,需要把你最厚重的衣服都穿上。

KC  (Jan 20, 09)
Thanks you so much for your detail description...
So my plan is (on April)
First day: arrive @ las vegas at 10:30 then go to Zion, probably be there at 1:30 and stay one night in Zion Lodge. BTW, will you suggest me to drive (bcs I live in the lodge so I can drive in) or take the shuttle?

2nd day: leave Zion at noon... go to Bryce, stay one night in Bryce Canyon Lodge

3rd day: spent about 1/2 day in Bryce and go back to Las Vegas...

Do you think my schedule is good enough to see most of the famous places of these 2 national parks? Thanks!!
I guess April is not the hot season since I booked the lodges easily...

itchiang  (Jan 20, 09)
公園內以Bryce Canyon Lodge為首選,其實也差不多是唯一選擇,除非你想camping。如果預算不是很緊的話,我會建議進去住Bryce Canyon Lodge,可以感受一下鄉村以及從前人道這公園時的度假氣氛。但這種公園內的歷史旅館,房間裡的方便性可能不及Super 8,比如沒有吹風機或是咖啡壺以及微波爐之類的。

Bryce Canyon Lodge冬天不營運,如果你冬天到,得到外面UT-63上的Ruby's Inn、對面的Bryce View Lodge或是UT-12與UT-63交叉口的Bryce Canyon Resort之類的地方。Ruby's Inn蠻像Old Faihful Inn那種鄉村式的style,是冬天到這裡的最高級住宿,但我只在他的餐廳吃過晚餐以及大廳烤過火。Bryce View Lodge與Bryce Canyon Resort則較平價。

其實公園外面UT-63上的旅館離公園非常近,沒住進去公園內確實也不是什麼多遺憾的事。某種程度上,可能還會比較舒適。但如果我再去這公園一次,我會想辦法在Bryce Canyon Lodge住一夜就是。

KC  (Jan 19, 09)
Will you suggest to stay inside the park? Where to stay ouside the park? Thanks!!

itchiang  (Jan 20, 08)
這是我住完四夜Las Vegas的第一站,考慮到天氣可能不穩定、路上積雪來不及剷,我計畫留一天半的時間,並在公園附近住兩夜,應該可以好好將這公園地毯式的玩完了吧?結果人算不如天算、計畫趕不上變化,時間效益變得不佳。

我們大概在中午進公園,當然是先去amphitheater這一區,也就是Sunrise、Bryce、Inspiration與Sunset Point這一區。原本就有打算走Navajo Trail,且趁high noon溫度最高時(當然還是攝氏零下的溫度)下去走最理想,不過走到谷底時,我相信溫度是低於攝氏零下十度的。Navajo Trail兩個比較重要的東西,一個是Great Wall,另一個是Thor's Hammer(雷神之鎚,印象中,Thor是挪威掌管閃電與打雷的神,只要他把他那鎚子往下一敲,就會有閃電跟打雷)。因為被雪封住的關係,往Thor's Hammer那方向的trail被block住,所以原本是個loop的trail就得原路來回。所以只能走Great Wall那一側,到了差不多谷底時,在原路走回來。雖然Thor's Hammer不用走這個trail、在Sunset Point就可以看到,但還是留下了點遺憾。但這一趟來回,花了兩個多小時(因為積雪,所以無法走太快),也差不多四點多了。

不幸的是,當天晚上下了場雪,於是隔天公園南邊全部不開放,所以剩下一整天的時候,還是只能在amphitheater晃。所以我只能每隔幾個小時,去那四個點看看,我想這一天半下來,每個點我都去過至少五次。冬天看日出的好處是太陽快八點才爬起來,所以不用太早起床。但缺點是,這時候非常冷,汽車的溫度計只有1 F(攝氏零下17度),而且還有風在吹。不過既然這是天意,我還是很盡責的去Sunrise Point拍了幾張照片。感覺那裡的日出遠比不上我小時候去阿里山看到的日出;不過後來看相片,覺得相片比當時現場好看,很難得,可能是當時冷到沒心情欣賞吧。至於落日,雖然太陽還沒落下、也不算低,但我太晚到Sunset Point,因為陽光被Sunset Point旁較高的地形擋住,使得陽光無法打在hoodoos上面,有興趣的可以在我最後提供的連結看到在夕陽時照到的失敗Sunset Point相片。

原本有規劃要去走Queens Garden這個trail,因晚上那場雪以及過冷,也只能放棄了。如果夏天來,我想是可以在一天之內,走完Queens Garden跟Navajo Trail這兩個步道,順便將amphitheater與南邊所有的景點都看到的,這就是公園小的好處,而intimacy也是這公園的優點(我一直對大峽谷不是很喜歡,跟它intimacy不佳有關)。

反正能去的地方不多,所以就去參加一下Ranger Program,是在室內的展覽區講解一些地質知識。第一個比較有趣的是,這地方雨水很少,但卻可以侵蝕出這一些hoodoos,一個很重要的原因是,一年365天,有超過200天這個地方的溫度會跨過攝氏0度,讓水的熱漲冷縮發揮最大的效應。另一個是,雖然這公園叫Bryce Canyon,但地質上,這裡用Canyon是個不正確的描述(據說Capitol Reef的那個Reef也是對那公園technically incorrect的形容)。標準的Canyon要像大峽谷一樣,兩面有高牆且下面有一條河流過。那該如何正確的為這公園命名?Ranger笑著說,他們這邊有一位對Bryce地質很有研究的專家,認為最正確的公園名稱應該叫做Bryce Amphitheater National Park,在旁邊聽的人直接頭上三條線......


PBS有出Great Lodges of the National Parks的DVD,共三片。一片是加拿大落磯山的,另兩片是美國這邊的。裡面是將Zion、大峽谷的North Rim與Bryce當成一個package在旅遊,第一站是Zion,就像是飯前的開胃菜(appetizer);大峽谷是第二站,算是主菜(entree);Bryce是第三站,算是飯後甜點(dessert)。若從Las Vegas出發,這三個地方一起安排,確實是非常的方便。

過了兩夜後,離開的那個早上,汽車的溫度計是-9 F(攝氏零下23度),一點都感覺不到global warming這件事。


Valhalla  (Jun 20, 07)
比起其他正常尺寸的國家公園,Bryce Canyon算是迷你得不得了。不過可能是因為大小恰到好處,又有非常清楚明確的主題,比較能吸引遊客的注意力,即使是只能呆一兩個鐘頭(像我們去年冬天那次)都能感受到這裡的美和特色。附近其他的國家公園就難搞得多了,不累得要死要活是看不到真面目的。

Derek  (Jun 18, 07)
Me too. It's a special place. I like it more than the Grand Canyon.

muajee  (Mar 30, 05)



I'll be back! :>

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